Employees fed up after company cuts 90% of their big annual bonus, despite promising it in exchange for unpaid overtime and extra shifts, boss insists: ‘You're lucky to work here’

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  • "My husband's boss cut the entire department's annual bonuses by 80-90% without warning anybody."

    Sorry for the rant. At his job, bonuses are usually around 50% of the annual salary. Some years (before he started working here), we've heard that the bonuses have been up to 75% of your annual
  • salary. It's a huge reason why people want to work at this company. All year, his manager had people work extra shifts and (unpaid) overtime by dangling the annual bonus
  • over everyone's heads. There's no PTO either; the "unlimited" PTO policy makes it possible for managers to deny time off & heavily discourage anyone from taking it (except for their favorites). Everyone puts up
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  • with it because of the annual bonus. It's a carrot-on-stick situation. This year, the bonuses hit everyone's account without any discussion from the managers. At first, nobody
  • knew what the payment was for since the dollar amount was only 10-20% of the annual bonus that everyone was expecting. When everyone found out, major drama ensued... but I'm not sure how many people will
  • leave because these are generally older men who have worked here forever. At least my husband is going to polish up his resume this weekend.
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  • This company has a toxic culture and a much more difficult workload than similar jobs at other companies, but it was worth it because the annual bonus made the overall compensation higher
  • than the standard rate. Now that they cut the bonus, it's LESS overall compensation, MORE work, and almost non- existent benefits. Who would stay?
  • 100 RO ΡΩ BPO
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  • I can't get over the blatant disrespect. Once my husband got his manager on the phone, the manager was such an a hole about it saying things like, "I guess it just reflects your quality of work this year," and "You're lucky
  • to work at a big company like this," blah blah blah. There was no room for negotiation, even though my husband had done some great work this year and had the performance evaluations to
  • back it up. When asked if HIS bonus was also cut, the manager made some stupid _comment about how management is evaluated differently. So, obviously, his bonus is fine. Great. Good for him. Amazing.
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  • We were going to do some much-needed repairs on our car and replace the wheels. Kiddo needs braces. With inflation, we've been living paycheck-to-paycheck and aren't able to put some money away for emergencies.
  • All year we've been hearing that profits are high, the company is growing, and that the annual bonus will make it all worth it. The fact that they pulled it out from under us -
  • with NO discussion or warning - is awful. Maybe it's not just disrespect. It seems like they're showing us their contempt.
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  • Shojo_Tombo Well, if the company values their labor 90% less than last year, then I guess the workers are being told to put in 90% less effort. I'm serious. Look up Slowdown Strike, and get hubby to organize one with his coworkers.
  • mcflame13 When will these companies understand that you screw over your employees, your business can easily fall. Your husband should have a talk with his coworkers about them doing a week long
  • strike to show that they are not going to get away with being greedy like that without dealing with the repurcusions.
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  • HMS_Slartibartfast Please talk to your husband. He needs to find a new employer. He also needs to work out a nice "I quit" letter the details how the company's performance and support is sub-par and he is
  • terminating their employment of him effective immediately." Yes, he need to FIRE his employer, preferably publicly. This is once he has a new job. Hopefully that will encourage other's to jump ship and leave his former boss in the spot he deserves.
  • Lake_Drain Never go for the money. You can learn a lot of about a place by the way they treat their employees. No PTO is a red flag right there. Management always new they would do this, they just kept from the employees to get the most of them. Lying sacks!
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  • All the power to your husband, I hope he gets something better. Obviously money is great but look at the whole package. Don't trust a company on their word.


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