Woman refuses husband's demands to name their baby after his ex girlfriend, he insists and turns to his family for backup, they refuse to stand by his side: ‘This is plain ridiculous’

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    William "Just choose a different name..." Logan
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    "My brother wants to name his baby after his ex"

    my brother Adam and his wife Sarah are expecting their first baby, and the whole thing has turned into a war zone. For weeks now, they've been fighting over baby
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    names, but it's not just about picking something cute or unique, it's about the fact that Adam wants to name their baby girl after his ex, who he dated for years
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    before meeting Sarah. He keeps saying it's just because he "always loved the name," but Sarah is absolutely furious, and honestly, I don't blame her. Every time they
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    talk about it, the tension in the room is thick, like I'm watching a slow-motion car crash. I've tried staying out of it, but Adam keeps asking me to back him up, saying I
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    should support him because "family should stick together." I don't want to make things worse, but how am I supposed to back him up when he's clearly hurting
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    Sarah, who's already dealing with enough being pregnant and emotional? This is a mess, and I have no idea how to walk this tightrope without setting off a bomb.
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    Cheezburger Image 10453831168
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    a-base "how am I supposed to back him up when he's clearly hurting Sarah" Just repeat this over and over every time he or anyone else tries to draw you into it.
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    You can love a name, but that's not the only thing or primary thing one should consider when naming a child.
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    Silent-Yak-4331 Baby names are a 2 yes and using an ex's name is just plain ridiculous. Please be honest with your brother.
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    Mrddx2 I'm sorry, but he's got to read the room. His wife's feelings come first here, no question.
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    tcrhs "I won't take your side on this because you're in the wrong. No one would want their child named after their spouse's ex. I'd be heartbroken if my spouse demanded we name our child after their ex. I'm on your wife's side on this one."
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    insonobcino I would be livid and divorce the creep who would suggest such an absurd and disrespectful ambition.
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    Cultural-Ambition449 Ask him if he's fine with Sarah naming their first boy after one of her exes.
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    Ok-Hovercraft-100 sounds like a dreamy home to raise a child
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    Bartok_The_Batty Tell your brother that family does stick together and that Sarah and the baby are his family. His ex-girlfriend is not.
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    Brad_from_Wisconsin I suggested a middle name for our first daughter that was the first name of a former girl friend. It was the last input I was allowed on naming anything, including, children, pets, cars, boats.....
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    Sad Okra5792 I'm not one to go by "family should stick together, " but if he's gonna use that argument, she became your family when he married her.
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    You clearly don't wanna see your sister-in-law hurt, and I really don't think it's that big an ask for your brother to choose a different name. There's plenty of other lovely names for girls.
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    GroundbreakingNeck46 Is he trying to sabotage his relationship? Most women would have a problem with this. Adam needs to wise up and stop causing problems with his pregnant wife.
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    Technical_Ruin_2129 My sister is named after my dad's ex. She's in her 20's now and my mom still brings it up. He's signing himself up for something he'll never be allowed to forget.
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