‘I finally realized it’s all worth it’: New mother shares heartwarming first moment of her baby showing genuine affection after a rough first year of parenting

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  • "Today I finally realized it’s all worth it"

    My 18 month old had a rough go his first year. He had colic, torticollis that needed intervention, he didn't sleep through the night until we sleep trained last month, and he's super energetic.
  • We've been going to baby. drop in programs since he's 6 months old with babies his age and he's always been the one doing the absolute most, so I as a stay at home mom never got a break.
  • He'd wake up a minimum of 5 times a night needing to be rocked to sleep, every night for 17 months. Dealing with that and then his immense energy during the day was so, so exhausting.
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  • When he started smiling at us and responding to play time things got easier. I love this little boy. more than anything and seeing his smile made me melt. But today something just clicked.
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  • I'm currently pregnant and have little to no energy. So our mornings are me sitting on the couch watching him play. with trucks or reading him books. He brought me
  • over to his animal magnets on the fridge so I sat on the floor and we played "find the [insert animal name]" for a while. I realized just how smart he is and it made me
  • proud. He then started running around the island, when he came back around and was standing in front of me I opened my arms for a hug and he came barreling towards me and hugged me so tight. He
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  • thought it was the funniest thing in the world, so we spent the next 5 minutes doing that. He'd run around, peek out from the side of the island and come running towards me and jump in my arms.
  • He's never really given a hug, just laid his head down on your shoulder, but this was so different. It felt like he was showing affection.
  • I love him so, so much. This morning really just made me realize how worth it parenting is. It's so g hard and our first year was a trip, but this morning makes all the tears and sleepless nights worth it.
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  • I just wanted to share, because if you're in the thick of it, it can feel like that'll never end. But it will and you'll get moments like this where you realize being a parent is the most rewarding thing in the world.
  • Onegreeneye I felt like every month and age and stage beyond 9 months just gets infinitely more fun and rewarding and interesting. My little guy is 6. now, and I just love watching him grow and develop into his own little person.
  • sammmbie Yes, this!! I have huge respect for the moms who thrive in the newborn season "all those -- cuddles!!" -- but I am not one of them. I love each of my babies more than life itself, but I absolutely white- knuckle it through those first 6ish months so we can get to the fun parts.
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  • -cheechbeano Thank you for sharing. This made me cry, I am so happy for you! Almost 7 months pp with my first and its just a beautiful, bittersweet, hard experience, I love him so much as you love yours, the best feeling really when you feel the love back that youve selflessly given. Great job mama
  • inlovewithmycrush04 My 9yo daughter has been such a [pain] lately. I work at night so I usually sleep for a few hours and then I'm up with my kiddos 6,9. I woke the other after to the dryer running and I thought it was odd so I asked my daughter if she put something in there and she said II
  • yea! I took your work clothes out of the washer for you☺☺☺" I was so surprised, it was wonderful. She says mom I know you always forget and have to wash them again so I did it for you. I love kids they're so awesome


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