Karen mom gets howlariously offended when random runner dotes over her doggo instead of her hooman child, commenters confirm: ‘Puppies are cuter than babies’

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    Yesterday, when I (24F) went for a morning jog in the park, I saw a couple walking one of the most adorable puppies I have ever seen in my life!
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    The puppy locked eyes with me, and that was it- wagging her tail, tongue out, smiling, trying to pull the husband in my
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    direction. I paused my jog and ran over to ask if I could say hello, and they said of course, the puppy wouldn't have allowed me not to lol
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    I love dogs, so I was in heaven. I spent several minutes on the ground with her getting all kinds of love and affection and asking her owners her name, how old, etc. She
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    also happened to be the same breed as the dog I grew up with who passed away a few weeks ago, a golden retriever who was my best friend, so this was especially comforting for me.
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    A few minutes into talking (to clarify: about two minutes, and I was probably with them for about 4 total: 2 with the dog, 2 the wife being mad and the husband getting her to leave), I
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    noticed the wife starting to look irritated. At first, I figured I might've overstayed my welcome, so I decided to back off. I got up and said something like "I'll let you get back to your walk now, but thank you so
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    much, that was the highlight of my day!" As the husband was saying goodbye to me, the wife interrupts him and goes "Really?" I was
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    pretty confused, so I asked her if something was wrong. See, the couple also had a baby with them, a little girl sleeping in a stroller. I'm bad with ages, but if I had to guess she was probably around a
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    month-ish old. The wife said I was "beyond rude" for spending all this time "cooing over the dog" but not saying anything about her newborn.
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    I have absolutely nothing against babies or children in the slightest, including this woman's daughter. I see them as other human beings just like me. But I won't lie babies and kids have never elicited
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    the same... instant warm feelings? that dogs and all animals do for me. This is to say, I've never really been the type to coo at babies. I don't hate or dislike them at all, I just regard them in the same way I regard all strangers regardless of age.
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    Anyway, before I could get a word in, the husband began ushering her away and told me to have a good day, though I could still hear her muttering things about me under her breath as they left. I didn't mean to
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    be rude, but I'm wondering now if I actually was.
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    Babies have never and will never be as cute as dogs. Good to see she already has her new parent entitlement down. I don't care
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    about anyone's kids at all. Never have, never will. But I will love all of the fur babies.
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    Plantcale... [2] some parents are delusional Imao. Newsflash: no one cares about your kids like you do
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    Malicious... Partassipant [2] Lol, I have to make sure I say hi to the pet owner before departing so I'm not completely disregarding them. You fawn over dogs.
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    Some people fawn over babies. Some people fawn over both. And some over neither. Nothing wrong with any of it.
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    Cheezburger Image 10453998848
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    'Am I wrong for not cooing over a couple's baby while petting their dog?'
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