Family discovers 2,000 jars of green beans their grandfather hid from his wife for 20+ years: 'He hid them so he wouldn't have to eat them!'

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    "My grandpa's final petty revenge beyond the grave"

    My Grandparents had 5 children and 12 grandchildren. I am the oldest grandchild. All of their children settled down within 10 miles of their house. Growing up
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    we did everything as a whole family. My Dad raised beef cattle and pork. My Grandma had a garden that she would feed the entire family from. The women would get together at Grandma's
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    house and we would can all of the fruits, vegetables, and meat the family would need. Then she would distribute it out to each individual family. She would have my Grandpa carry all of the canned goods she was keeping to their basement.
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    My Grandpa absolutely hated green beans. He would ask Grandma not to can so many for them because he didn't want to eat them, but she didn't listen to him. But he dutifully carried them to the basement.
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    My Grandpa di d in July 2000, and we just celebrated his 100th birthday. I still miss him. My Grandma di d in March 2011.
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    When we were cleaning out the basement, because a lot of us were storing stuff there. We kept finding random jars of green beans. Then we started finding crates of green beans under shelves. There were about 6 of us cleaning out the basement,
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    and by the time we were done, we found about 2,000 jars of green beans. We had the jars stood up in the center of the big room and we were just standing around looking at it, wondering why we found so many green beans.
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    Then I started giggling. My Aunt wanted to know what was so funny. I said "Grandpa did this." She asked "Why do you think that?"
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    "Because he hated green beans!! So he hid them so he wouldn't have to eat them." I giggled. That made everyone laugh. "What do we do with them now?" I asked.
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    The jars were dated from 1982 to 2000 and it was 2011 at the time. Update: After all of the green beans were found in the basement, I had moved to Houston Texas. But I just moved back home and showed my Aunt this post. She
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    told me that the green beans were redistributed amongst the family, being my grandparents' five children and 11 other
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    grandchildren, and that she herself just finished the last of the 1999 green beans a few months ago.
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    EddGreen Please start a tradition of hiding dated cans of green beans in your siblings houses.
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    desertboots . Dump them out (don't feed the hogs) and now you'll have $1000 in canning jars. RIP gramps. Tootle-loo!!
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    Silent_Tumblewee... Don't eat them. But Grandpa was next level. I will think of him next time I eat green beans!
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    TrueLoveEditorial Didn't Grandma notice she wasn't serving green beans as often as she had planned??
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    pinkpineapples007. When we cleaned out my grandmother's house after she did we found SO MANY canning jars in the basement. From around the
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    same time period as yours as well. Several decades worth but not 2,000. I have no idea what was in them bc I didn't want to touch them lol. She canned so much and had a huge garden.
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    We also found the deed to our house in a women's magazine from the 80's and gold krugerrands under her silverware drawer that were illegal to export into the US around the time she might've gotten them. She had a lot of cool stuff
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    Appropriate_Rain... Mastermind at work here!
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