Older sister refuses to give up her wedding dress for her spoiled younger sibling, then gets grilled by the family for ‘ruining’ the Golden Child’s dream: ‘I saved up for over two years to buy [this dress]’

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  • 'AITA for refusing to give up my dream wedding dress because my sister can't afford it?"

    My younger sister "Megan" recently got engaged. I'm thrilled for her and her fiancé, but she dropped a massive bombshell at dinner last week, and now our family is split.
  • For context, I've been engaged for two years and am finally having my dream wedding after this spring, at the beginning of summer. Megan got engaged just three months ago but decided
  • she wanted to get married before me because "summer is the perfect season." Fine, whatever. I wasn't thrilled, but I figured it's her choice. The issue started when Megan saw my wedding dress during a fitting. It's a
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  • gorgeous designer gown that I saved up for over two years to buy. Megan immediately started crying and said it was her "dream dress" and asked if I'd let her wear it first. I thought she was joking, but she was de d serious.
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  • I told her no, because it's my wedding dress, and she could find something similar. She blew up, accusing me of being selfish and said she couldn't afford a dress anywhere near that nice.
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  • She makes less money than me and has a tight wedding budget. She told me it's unfair that I get to have "everything perfect" while she has to settle. She even got my parents involved, and now
  • they're pressuring me to "be a good sister" and let her borrow the dress. My fiancé is on my side, saying Megan is being entitled, but my parents are calling me heartless.
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  • Megan said she'll never forgive me if I "ruin her wedding dreams." She's even threatening not to invite me to her wedding unless I "reconsider."
  • DeviceMotor3938 Hide that dress. She will either steal it or damage it beyond repair. And be prepared for her to suggest a double wedding so she won't have to pay anything. She'll get her dream wedding and you and your new husband won't be in any of the photos. In case you didn't know, she's the bridzil...oops, I meant golden child.
  • Allaur12 Megan doesn't have a right to her dress just because she wants it. Weddings are incredibly personal, and her dress symbolizes her hard work, planning, and dreams. Her sister and family are out of line for trying to guilt her into giving it up.
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  • Far-Refrigerator-783 Tell Megan to wait and SAVE UP! MOST wedding dresses end up with some kind of stain. What happens then? And would she have alterations??? Just tell her don't invite me, and I won't invite you or mom!!
  • alycewanderingZ I could totally see Megan purposefully spilling wine or something on the dress at the end of the reception so OP couldn't wear it. She seems entitled enough to think that the wedding dress should be only for *her dream wedding. Or it
  • might need alterations, which are often impossible to be undone. Regardless, no is a complete sentence. Megan, and anyone who supports her, can stay home. And make sure she does not know where your dress
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  • is stored before the wedding. She honestly might ruin it out of spite. The whole, "If I can't have it, neither can she!" Congrats! I hope your day is amazing and drama free.
  • Full Pace7666 That is a very unreasonable and entitled request, and your parents are sh for enabling her.
  • scrapqueen This is ridiculous. It's your dress. Tell her to postpone her wedding and save for 2 years like you did. And keep her away from that dress at all costs. It sounds like you might be better off without her in your life.
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  • kcpirana And if the parents think she deserves to have a designer dress handed to her, why don't they hand her one. I smell some serious Golden Child stench in this family.


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