By the time you've helped the tenth person move, you've pretty much had it, and the dopamine hit you were getting for helping people out has long since stopped having its effect, and the complete lack of reciprocity or offers for simple remedial compensation has taken its toll, leaving you jaded and cynical.
It's like the whole "teach a man to fish proverb" which teaches us that doing things for people can sometimes simply enable them to rely on us rather than incentivizing them to take up the cause for themselves and further their own selves and lives.
"Teach a friend to move, and they'll be movin' for life" sounds good in a "far out" "vibing" sort of sense, but it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense philosophically—unless you're writing a movie script about a music teacher working with troubled inner city youths.
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
But the premise here is the same and goes for any basic skill you might have or service you can provide that is of everyday use. Like your family becoming simultaneously aware that you're "Good with computers," henceforth dooming you to be the extended family IT guy getting forced to help your grandma with her "internets" and getting blamed whenever it goes out because she clicked on a phishing link or accidentally unplugged the ethernet cable.
This woman shared a house with her roommate who is pretty clueless about technology, constantly relying on her for basic tech troubles while seemingly being unwilling or incapable of learning how to troubleshoot these issues for himself. After fixing issue after issue for him, she finally had enough and told him that she was going to start charging him for the service if he continued to overly rely on her to keep his tech working. After the confrontation, she turned to this online community to see if she was in the wrong for her ultimatum.
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
"AITA for telling my roommate I will be charging him for future help on his computer due to his learned incompetence?"
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