"AITA for not making my kids attend their half and stepsiblings birthdays?:
The first red flag is the kids hating being around their father. At the end of the day, just because somebody becomes a parent doesn't mean they wanted to, which is what it seems like here. The kids likely never felt like a priority since their father got up and chose another family, then another one after that. The mother even explains that his demeanor is not one to write home about, which further validates why the kids might not want to buddy-buddy with an unnecessary extension of their family.
Even if the step/half siblings have done nothing wrong, the kids don't owe anyone anything. It was their life that got flipped upside down, not their father's. And if their father is feeling guilty, maybe there's a reason for that. The parental manipulation is real.
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
The father uses the pain of his bio kids and step children to prove a point to his other bio kids. That's a mouthful. The mother knows better than to stoop to the same level as her ex-husband, and luckily, her kids are old enough to understand that they don't owe anything to their father. Who knows? The father might have his best interest at heart, and simply using his other children as pawns in this visitation game.