Man flips out when girlfriend of 8 months buys a PS5 without him and says it's hers: 'It's mine until he pays half of it'

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    AITA for buying a PS5 without my boyfriend and saying it's mine?

    My boyfriend (26m) and I (26f) have been together for about 8 months. We live together but have split financials. I worked hard and went to college, which is why I have a well paid job. When I met my boyfriend he didn't have a serious job, but he worked hard so we could live together and he now has a job with a decent income. He makes less than me and the rent etc. are divided pro rata. I paid for the first month of our rent (alone) and for our holidays and he still has to pay me back, but there
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    We really love gaming together. He plays on his ps4 and I play on my nintendo switch. He mentioned he would like to buy a ps5 together so we can ditch the switch, because it's lagging alot. We did not talk about who would play on the ps4 and who would play on the ps5, but the costs would be split in half. I also said I would love to have a ps5, since I play on the switch and it sucks. My boyfriend does not have enough money and still had to pay me back for the vacation, so we dropped the subject
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    But since we've been gaming alot, my switch is starting to annoy me. The console is slow and it does not have enough capacity to load my games. That's why I decided to buy a ps5. I have more than enough savings to do so. I texted my boyfriend I wanted to buy a ps5 later that day and I did.
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    Now my boyfriend's pissed cause he wanted to buy a ps5 together. It would take several months before he would have enough savings, which is why I bought it myself. He also asked if the ps5 belonged to the both of us or just me. I responded that the ps5 is mine untill he pays half of it, but he can always play on it if I'm not home. He got upset by this and said he was dissapointed. So, AITA for buying a ps5 without my boyfriend and saying it's mine?
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    Many felt the boyfriend was overreacting, and some questioned the integrity of the relationship altogether.

    Comfortable--Box ΝΤΑ You've said he can use it and have ownership when he can afford it. I don't see what the problem is. He should be thankful your salary and hard work has allowed both of you to enjoy the PS5 sooner than if you waited for him to save. I think he's just insecure about money and probably feels like you just buying a PS5 whilst he's still catching up on his debt to you is making him feel inferior. That's a him problem, not a you problem. You're an adult with adult money that you
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    loki2002 You've said he can use it and have ownership when he can afford it. I don't see what the problem is. He was never going to pay for half of it but wants the ownership stake.
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    LisaCabot More like, he wanted her to pay for half, and have dibs on the ps5 when both of them are at home. He its now pissed because its currently her ps5 and she (obviously) has dibs on it when both of them are home. Not sure how they will play at the same time unless they have either 2 tvs in the living room, one tv and one smaller screen, or they play in separate rooms which i dont think its the same as "playing together" (with the current switch she could be sitting next to him while playin
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    gymgoldie OP We have 2 tv's next to eachother in the living room. One small tv and one with a big screen. He plays on the big screen with his ps4, i play on the small screen with my switch. Hope that clears things up
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    Flying DutchLady NTA. I am struggling to see his perspective here. I understand that you discussed buying the ps5 together at some point, but he can't afford it. You bought it anyway, and you're still offering to let him use it when you're not. What more does he want? To me it sounds like he's jealous because he wants to play the ps5 and possibly stick you with the ps4. I just can't understand why else this would matter so much to him. 8 months isn't very long. If you didn't live together yet bu
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    Healthy_Brain5354 I'm baffled how people are focusing only on the ps5 when this mooch has scammed free rent and a holiday so far out of her
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    lostinRC NTA. He wanted you to pay half to get the hand me down ps4. This isn't really a shared asset. Don't take his money if he offers it later or he will demand the ps5in the break up.
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    MorningStarsSong 100% this. OP, how do you think he imagined you two playing together in the future if this is his reaction to getting to play the PS5 when you are not using it? The answer is: He assumed he would talk you into letting him always play the PS5, even thought you'd own it together. Don't let him manipulate you into that.
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    pudge-thefish NTA. He wanted to buy it together so he would get the PS5 and you would get the PS4 when you play together...when your switch was the lesser of the two gaming systems did he ever offer to let you use the PS4 and he would use the switch so you weren't frustrated while playing? My guess is you have yours and he has his and letting him use the PS5 when you are not is a nice offer. He can upgrade his system when he can afford it. You two shouldn't buy items together at this poi
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    gymgoldie OP when your switch was the lesser of the two gaming systems did he ever offer to let you use the PS4 and he would use the switch so you weren't frustrated while playing? he did not
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    Selfpsycho Then you have your answer as to why he is pissed. He missed out on a cheap upgrade that you wouldn't be able to touch or even a freebie when you said it was yours.
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    Life_Bit_4298 I don't know. When I was in a serious relationship and I knew I wanted to be with that person in the future, we didn't split the assets. There were times when I made more than my boyfriend, and other times when my boyfriend made more. Now I've been with my boyfriend for five years, we have kids, a small company, a house. We're not married, but we still don't divide things. Sometimes I buy things, sometimes he buys things. We pay for food and housing together, but if it happens that
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    firstinforever This is the answer. I can't believe I had to scroll down so much to see someone being reasonable. I'd go with ESH. Keeping scores while living together is dooming the relationship to failure. They are clearly not ready to live together.
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    cephles There's nothing inherently wrong with having split assets as long as the people in the relationship have the personality type than can handle it. I have "my" stuff and my husband has "his" stuff but it just... doesn't matter at all? He drives "my" car sometimes and I read "his" books or sit in "his" armchair. Aside from being a bit more careful with "his stuff" and being responsible for the maintenance on "my stuff", there's really no difference. We have never had a disagreement over stu
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    Pizookie123 NTA by the way if he tries to pay you later don't accept it. When this relationship inevitably ends you don't want to argue over this thing.
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    -TrueStank- for the record, he's happy for you to play on a crap piece of kit whilst he gets the good one, but when its reversed that's actually not ok and you're selfish. let that sink in, things to come etc
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    Visual-Lobster6625 NTA he's getting too used to you covering his missing expenses. He wanted you to pay half of the PS5 and then expected you to take the PS4 in exchange?
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    roadhack You two are really 26 years old? God help both of you. Grow up, both of you!
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    selfmademan416 Undecided. NTA, but also kinda TA. You aren't living together as a team, and it seems that you are both very much in a "roommates" situation where he benefits from the fact that you earn more than he does. You're living your life as you wish to, and expecting him to join your lifestyle and pay you back later. That kind of thinking doesn't work. If you wanted to go on vacation with him and he couldn't afford it, you should have gone alone or gone somewhere he could afford. If you w
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