20 Cute Critters To Keep You Cozy While Cuddling Your Hot Water Bottle

  • 01
    Owl! at the Library @SketchesbyBoze hoping to encourage tourism, Scotland placed a couple of Shetland ponies in sweaters and it might be the best promotional campaign ever ALT
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  • 02
    Biker gang terrorises local residents
  • 03
    The name's Bond, James Bond And you? Boops Boops boops
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  • 05
    Today Years Old @todayyearsoldig I just discovered that baby owls sleep on their stomachs cause their heads are too heavy and I can't stop laughing
  • 06
    Ed Dixon halloween special: a guy named eric lind captured these phgotos of an owl at his parent's house. it has stolen a child's stick horse and is flying around the neighborhood with it.
  • 07
    This bear IS ALIVE it was a tag and release under sedation, but just to give a perspective of a grizzly bears paw size.
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  • 08
    The dog in 1981's 'Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior' simply named "Dog", was obtained from a local dog pound and trained to perform in the movie. Because the sound of the engines upset him, he was fitted with special earplugs. After filming was complete, he was adopted by one of the camera operators.
  • 09
    Birds known as Australian firehawks, intentionally spread fire by carrying burning sticks from one location to another to force out prey. These birds use fire to hunt
  • 10
    The absolute GOAT of all insects. Never hurt no one. Never scared no one. Doesn't sting. Doesn't bite. Feeling sad? There for you. Feeling lonely?? Got your back. Need a friend??? You already know! Never did a thing but earn the right to your love and respect
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  • 11
    When you finally have your own kids and realize why your dad was always so cheesed when you were younger
  • 12
    So, on this cat-scale, how do you feel today? 1 2 3 5 @memes 6 CO 7 8 9
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    Me thinking "hmm... now I need something sweet" after I just ate
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  • 14
    Shark that k NYC woman confirmed as great white-and it's still out there tri Pardon me @OnCrewsControl Imfao was it suppose to turn itself in?
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    When you're almost asleep, but you hear that you got a text and you have to roll over and see who in the world would be contacting you at the ridiculous hour of 9PM.
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  • 17
    caitlin @carboncaitlin i want to know the phonecall he's having rn.
  • 18
    I threw 5 shoes, 3 broom whacks And Half a can of Raid extra power Turns out it's a hair clip
  • 19
    Parent: Please try not to get any water outside the tub. Kid: @HowToBeADad
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  • 20
    When you get home & you & your dog see each other 190


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