Employee collects evidence and exposes two coworkers for attempted sabotage against her, boss kicks both of them to the curb: ‘They discussed ways to make me look bad in front of our boss’

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    "And while we were at it, I showed part of the messages where they made fun of me." 38
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    "The email I should never have read"

    This happened to me a couple of weeks ago, and I still don't know if I did the right thing. I need your opinion.
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    It was just another day at the office, nothing out of the ordinary. I was looking for a file on the shared system, when suddenly I saw something that wasn't mine: an email
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    from my coworker, Ana, with my name in the subject. The funny thing is that it wasn't addressed to me.
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    I should have ignored it, I know. But how do you do that when you see your name? I opened the email.
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    It was a chain between Ana and Laura, my only two colleagues on the team. It started with something simple, but what I read next froze me.
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    "Have you seen how she works lately? She always seems lost." "I laugh when she pretends to know everything in meetings. It's pathetic."
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    "If we keep saving her mistakes, how long do you think it will take for the boss to realize she's useless?" They had been talking about me for weeks. They
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    made fun of my work, how I talk to clients, even the times I asked for help. The worst part was reading how they discussed ways to make me look bad in front of our boss.
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    Can you imagine what that feels like? I trusted them. I always covered their shifts, helped with their tasks when they were late... and this was what I got in return.
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    I closed the email and tried to keep working as if nothing had happened, but I couldn't. I felt like every look they gave me, every laugh, was about me. That night, I couldn't
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    sleep. My mind was going in circles: Should I say something? What if I confront them? Should I tell the boss? The next day, I decided to act strategically. I started documenting everything:
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    screenshots, ignored emails, messages that proved I was doing my job while they sabotaged me. I didn't want to fight, just protect myself.
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    Cheezburger Image 10457801216
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    The opportunity came when Ana tried to blame me for a major mistake. She went straight to the boss saying I hadn't submitted a report. But I was ready. I pulled out the evidence: the email
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    where she herself admitted that she had forgotten to check it. And while we were at it, I showed part of the messages where they made fun of me.
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    My boss was stunned. He didn't say much at the time, but the following week, Ana and Laura were out of the company.
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    What I felt? A mix of relief and guilt. Should I have spoken to them before going to the boss? Was I right to keep evidence?
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    Sometimes I feel like I could have handled everything differently, but at the same time, I couldn't continue working under that toxicity.
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    Now, I wonder: what would you have done in my place? Would you have kept quiet? Would you have confronted your colleagues directly or
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    gone to the boss, like I did? Because, honestly, it still torments me if it was the right thing to do. What do you think?
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    Separate-Potato-... They created the toxic workplace. Sounds like you just did your job and defended yourself with proof that you did your job. That's guilt free karma if you ask me.
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    howverysway I think you handled it well. You backed up yourself and your work. You didn't play dirty. You were professional. I admire you for not being caddy or malicious, actively trying to hurt them...as they did to you. You're a good person!


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