Hero rescues newborn kitten from roof at 2am says: ‘I just need some help and support rn because i’m so overwhelmed’, caring commenters come to their aid

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    'Just found an abandoned kitten, don't know what to do, help.'
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    i kept hearing a kitten cry for hours, i went outside twice to see if i could find where it was coming from but i didn't until the third
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    time, it was coming from the roof, it took me so long to get to it and to get it down
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    its so tiny and still had the placenta attached, i cut it and i cleaned the dirt off it
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    i think it was just born today, idk when tho, it was so cold outside and i can't get
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    anything warm so i've been just trying to keep it close to me
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    he started trying to feed and idk how to feed it bc i don't have any syringes, i
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    honestly have no idea what to do, i can't take it to the vet rn bc it's 2am, i don't have a car and i don't know
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    where a vet could be, besides idk if i can afford it rn
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    i just need some help and support rn because i'm so overwhelmed, i wanna help it but i don't know how
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    Cheezburger Image 10459425536
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    ashhi... First off, get it warm. DO NOT TRY TO FEED IT ANYTHING WHILE IT IS COLD.
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    Cheezburger Image 10459425024
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    Stunn... Keep it really warm (towels, blankets, heating pad, warm [hot
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    red hot] hot water bottle, or snuggled into you). Dry it if it's wet. I don't know where you are but in many
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    countries there are emergency vets. Call your local vet or look on their website; their answerphone should have
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    details of which vet to call in an emergency. Some large animal charities also have a 24-hr phone service.
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    Even if you can't get the kitten to a vet right now, a vet or vet nurse can give you advice on what to do. Put a
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    message on your local community group and see if anyone's on there and is awake who's involved in cat rescue
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    (specifically feeding bottle babies). Do not feed the kitten cow's milk unless a veterinary
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    professional tells you otherwise; do not attempt to feed the kitten until you get advice from someone who is
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    experienced in feeding newborn kittens - so either an experienced rescue or a veterinary professional.
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    Focus on keeping it warm til then.


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