The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
"AITA for Telling My Husband I Won’t Cook for His Mom Anymore?"
If someone is critiquing another person's cooking time after time, you'd think that they'd choose to stop eating whatever meals that person cooks. I mean, that's the logical thing to do, right? However, if you'd like to make a grand spectacle and embarrass your son's wife, you can simply keep critiquing her meals and wait until she explodes with anger at you. This is very much instigative behavior on the MIL's part and the woman is right to be fed up with her MIL's entitlement. There's nothing worse than somebody telling you how to do your job, and the woman refuses to put food on the table for someone who wouldn't care less (but probably still CLEANS the plate).
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