School of Fail

10 Reasons Why Teachers Are Totally Awesome

  • 1

    They Love a Good Prank

    Chair - So this kid in my history class fell asleep, my teacher stopped class, got down on the floor, and tied his shoes together...
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  • 2

    They Love Taking Selfies

    Face - Phone got taken away by a teacher. It came back like this. @ 39% AT&T LTE 6:33 Thursday, January 31 slide to unlock
  • 3

    They Don't Cut Corners

    teacher's note on block of text
  • 4

    They Have a Sense of Humor About Their Low Pay

    Poster - coupy Democrats My teacher posted this at school.c. THE MORAL OF BREAKING BAD PAYTEACHERS MORE MONEY
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  • 5

    They Love the Taste of Students' Tears

    Cat - My math teacher is awesome. Cos Ap Calculus Gu June- pactral frastnn eamposit . Rule Imry ILove Math It Makes People Cry Com sympatdi Mempathy
  • 6

    They REALLY Love the Taste of Student's Tears

    Text - HOME MY CLASSES HELP AP English Language/Dual Credit IVTC Eng PAGES CALENDAR CONNECT ASSESS THE FLOGGINGS WILL THE FLOGGINGS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MORALE IMPROVES CONTINUE UNTIL MORALE MPROVES Upcoming Activities Peer review guidelines also reproduced below Revision guidelines for peer reviewers Researched essay in 1 day Th Feb 26 50am Rough draft of essay on Google Drive is due YOU WILL REVEW TWO ESSAYS Fri Feb 27 in 2 days 1Read the entire essay aloud, word for word, as it is weritten CLE
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  • 7

    They Think Outside the Box

    Ceiling - Our gym teacher's tactic for getting a ball down from the rafters EXIT
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  • 8

    They Want to Have a Relaxing Break as Much as You Do

    Text - MATH 101 Name Fall 2012 Quiz #8 Directions: Answer each of the following questions in the space provided. CLOSED BOOK CLOSED NOTES, CLOSED FRIENDS. NO CALCULATORS AND NO PARTIAL CREDIT 1+1-2 #1) Have a great Thanksgiving break!
  • 9

    They're Super Photogenic

  • 10

    They Know How to Hold The Students' Interest

    Presentation - esent Ba ons e form Anoxic Earth (N CO CH aly anated Origin o synbactrie


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