Woman Dedicates Her Entire TikTok Account to Calling Out Her Creepy Karen Neighbor Controversy


TikToker Kayla Rae, aka @texangirl4life recently took to TikTok to help handle the insane Karen drama she has been thrusted into. Her and her family recently moved onto 2 acres of land. After moving there, however, they very quickly started to have issues with their neighbor. The older couple living next to them used to own the 2 acres, then gave it to their son. Then their son, however, let the bank take the land over. It was on the market for over a year until Rae bought it with her family. 


The Karen owns 30 acres of land next to them, but for some reason is hellbent on giving problems to the 2 acres of land that Rae and her family now live on. Rae says in the comments that there is currently an open case about all the harassment the Karen has been putting them through, but in the moment, there's nothing stopping this Karen. So, she's reached out to TikTok to help her keep records of as many of the abusive accounts she has with her neighbor Karen, but also to ask the social media community for some help. 


Putting Up a Fence:


The insane saga just keeps getting more and more frustrating. The videos she posts show the Karen basically stalking Rae and her family but either walking right up to their property line and just watching them, very creepily. Or, since the Karen's driveway goes up right along Rae's property, the Karen will drive up and down the driveway for hours. Sometimes she will even stop to give Rae the finger and one time, when Rae's kids were playing in the yard, the Karen called them “little b*tches.”


Rae keeps having more and more issues with this Karen and is feeling desperate. Commenters suggest she retaliates in anyway she can. Rae explains in one video that the Karen is a teacher at the local school, and many viewers are saying she should call the school and show them the video of their teacher calling her kids inappropriate names. 


Quick Backstory: 

Karen Calls Her Kids b*tches:


They've had to resort to building a fence along their property line, that they will hopefully add some privacy to their home. However, they've had to build during the nighttime or when they know their neighbor is not home, because the Karen will just go too psycho on them and Rae has had it with the drama. 


Many of her viewers help give advice on what she should do, some are even lawyers. They also suggest she start her own cash app or other place to donate so they can help her with fence building and legal costs. The many supportive comments show just how loyal these viewers are, and reveal how TikTok is quickly becoming a great tool in helping this woman and her family defeat her evil neighbor Karen. 


Quick Update:


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