
Man Breaking Open Random Rocks and Showing TikTokers What's Inside Goes Viral


It's called geology and it's what Stan's dad, Randy Marsh, initially did as a job on South Park. The study of rocks is a very important part of not only our sciences, but also our history. It reveals so much of how our world and humanity has formed and helps provide information on the future. Geologist are now taking to TikTok to share some insight with the world, and geology student/ TikToker “Rock Man Ethan” uses his profile to show you what's inside of these amazing rocks.


He's not cooped up inside a lab showing you specimens like a boring movie they made you watch in 10th grade science class. He actually takes you on walks along riverbeds and other bodies of water and finds rocks that he breaks open right then and there with a couple of tools to reveal amazing finds.


“If life gets tough, just remember we're literally made of the same stuff as rocks, surrounded by rocks, living on a huge rock,” Rock Man Ethan says in a post. “Everything is rock.”



Crinoid Stolks


Most people's initial thoughts would be that he's just finding crystals. And though he does tend to find many different types of common local crystals, he also finds many other interesting things. Fossils is one of those things he often finds, and he provides a digestible education on them to viewers/


Collab w/ @rocktokcate


He also collabs with other geologists on TikTok making for some very popular rock content. Plus, he and his fan really want him to do a collab with Dwayne the Rock Johnson. With the way he is going viral, it might just be possible. Especially after asking fans to tag him in the comments. It also helps that he keeps getting confused as Kevin Jonas. 


Full of Crystals

The Rock

Kevin Jonas?


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