It's funny, but it's not. Some call it weaponized incompetence, others just call it boys being boys. What we all can agree on, is that society ingrained this kind of behavior into men. Does that mean we should give them a break? Ehhhhh… Debatable. In fact, the comment section in this viral video would say it's extremely debatable—it sounds like women are starting to have it up to here with this kind of behavior.
TikToker BrooklynWolf aka @realestatemakesmedrink recently posted a comical video where she uses a measuring tape to measure things that her husband has abandoned, even though they are soooo close to being put back where they are supposed to be. The epic dramatized music along with the video really adds and extra punch of comedy to the video. However, viewers are relating a little too hard to the circumstance being portrayed in the video and has started a heated discussion on weaponized incompetence.
Society has always leaned towards raising men to get used to being waited on by their mothers. Thus, once they're older and are looking for a partner, they tend to expect that same kind of treatment. While women are raised with toy vacuum cleaners, toy dusters, toy brooms, baby dolls and are taught to take care of things at a young age. You see where this is going? Men are raised being encouraged to go play in the mud, where as women are raised to clean up that mud. Women are starting to get sick of this outdated dynamic.
Viewers in the comments are laughing, but mad. One viewer said, “tell him you don’t feel sexually attracted to someone you have to clean up after, someone you have to mother! This is infuriating!” Another sarcastically adds, “Hahaha. See, it's funny because he's left her with both the emotional and physical load of running the house. Men are just so... *boops nose* adorable🥰”
The comments about the fiery anger that ignites within these women after watching this viral video just keep flooding in. One commented, “I’m laughing because it’s so true, my guy exactly, but angry too. This cannot be genetic, it just shows how many men disrespect their partners. 😢”
There's even ONE man who tried to chime in saying that this video was just going to make the tension in the TikToker's relationship even worse and boy did he get shut upped real quick. One viewer responded with, “Have you ever felt devalued and nothing more than a maid. Yes, causing more distress is fkn right!?!?” While another added, “The fact this vid exists means she’s already tried all the communication.” One even called him out as someone also weaponizing his incompetence, saying, “Spoken like someone looking to protect his own end.”
The heated debate in the comments has also become a space for women to be able to relate with each other about the situation. Hopefully the discussion will navigate towards a peaceful solution to this longtime gender inequality in society.
“Let’s see how close my Husband can get to putting things where they belong.”
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