The Daily What

Reddit of The Day: People Share The Absolute Worst Things They've Ever Done

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    Not even once.

    Rock - - getlit_flobert 37 points 1 day ago Got about 15 people addicted to meth so I could make more money. permalink save report give gold reply
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    You don't need that organ, right?

    Face - Lyfesyze 912 points 1 day ago When my dad was a kid (in the 60s) he didn't feel like going to school so he faked sick. His parents took him to the ER and they said from his symptoms, he had appendicitis and needed immediate surgery. He knew his parents would be pissed if he admitting to faking, so he just had the surgery. Grandma still has no idea.
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    Um, plz explain.

    Product - DANGE Accidentally melted a hole in a girls leg with a firecracker [-] Frigginmung 1296 points 1 day ago permalink save report give gold reply DANGE EXCLUSIV DD
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    This person is a true monster.

    Jigsaw puzzle - based777 885 points 1 day ago I went to a house party in highschool 3-4 years ago and stole 1 piece of a thousand piece puzzle.
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    Kids are the worst.

    Heat - Missymay2001 168 points 1 day ago threw rocks at a shed, broke the windows out and then proceeded to burn it down when I was 9 and my brother was 10. We thought it was abandoned because it looked really shabby. Turns out it wasn't. Pretty sure my parents knew it was us but we never got caught. We were horrible children.
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    "I'll take a black coffee, hold the urine."

    Caffeine - [-] Hairskinteeth 772 points 1 day ago Pissed in someone's coffee machine on several occasions. He really was an incredible jerk. He never found out. permalink save report give gold reply
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    Does family mean nothing to you?!

    Sportswear - [- mynameisntlance7 275 points 1 day ago I had sexual relations with my little brother's girlfriend :o permalink save report give gold reply
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    *puts on goggles*

    Microscope - [-] sparkos9999 172 polnts 1 day ago I was a scientist. I didn't follow procedure and sprayed a coworker in the face with defrosted human serum. I was so embarassed i laughed. Her eye was swollen and i was so guilty. She's ok now.
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    A stinky surprise!

    Molding - bbq-chips 105 polnts 1 day ago Shit myself in a Pawn Shop when I was 21, went to the washroom and hid the underpants in a dresser that had already been sold. Came back two days later and the dresser was gone. permalink save report give gold reply
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    You sir or madam are the worst person ever.

    Skin - [ taw999888777 19 points 1 day ago lied about having cancer. was in a really bad place in life, and let it go on for too long, telling more and more people before i came clean. permalink save report glve gold reply


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