
Unhinged Tweets From Troubled Minds


Twitter can be an absolute cesspool of people sharing thoughts that really just don't need to be shared. But we've accepted that, because there are still some funny gems to be found when you know where to look. That said, there are almost just as many tweets that are both totally unhinged and completely unnecessary. These questionable tweets range from being wholly offensive and misguided, to completely hard to understand. The thing is, we don't really want the wipe the site clean of these terrible takes and cringey sentiments. Why? Because they're incredibly entertaining. And fortunately for us, the ‘Unhinged Tweets’ account does an incredible job of cataloging the insanity so we don't have to look too far for the cringe. To celebrate their painstaking efforts, we've collected some of the greatest posts they've shared recently. Even if you don't find them funny (let's face it: some of them aren't), you'll probably walk away with a greater opinion of yourself.

This one's fun because you don't know which of the tweets was the one deemed unhinged.

Tell me you haven't read the book without telling me you haven't read the book.

Oh no





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