Adorable Cat Goes Viral for Sounding Like She's Always Saying "Okay"


When you say “okay” as a human being it can mean an array of things depending on the tone and context. You can say “okay!” like, “that's enough!” during an argument. But you can also say “okay” like, “yeah, okay, that sounds like a great idea.” It really all depends. And okay is also even used in other languages—the French very often say okay, like, “baaaaah, mais wee, okay. C'est pas grave." (Basically translating to, “uuuuh, well yeah, okay. It's whatever.”) Okay is a very versatile word. 


However, when coming from the mouth of a very fluffy and adorable cat it always has one tone, and that is cute and loving. A TikToker started an account for his cat named Akkodha. The sweet little baby isn't just visually the cutest thing, and it's not just that she has all the most adorable characteristics a cat can have. She loves to meow “okay.” 


“My cat says okay”


I know what you're thinking: “No way this cat is saying ‘okay.’ It probably only vaguely sounds like the word.” But you are wrong. Sure the cat throws a few thrills, meows, and purrs into her sentences, but when she says “okay” it is clear as day. This cat is telling her pops, “okay.” “You want some treats?” “Okay!” 


“She… actually is talking.”

“Everything's gonna be okay.”

"How are you today?" "Okay."


Known as “the OK cat” on TikTok, Akkodha is exactly what the Internet was made for. She says her sweet little loving “okayyyys" and instant serotonin is pumped into whoever is viewing the video. Many viewers are curious how this cat started to say the word ok, but in the videos it is pretty obvious. The owner is always saying “okay” to her, and she must've picked it up in order to communicate back to him. She most likely doesn't know exactly what it means, but she sure knows it gets her attention and of course it does! What kind of monster would not give this cutie kitty attention after she meows “okay” to you??


Sunday Funday


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