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Luxury Hotel In Abu Dhabi Collects Food Leftovers To Feed Shelter Animals

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    According to a report by the BCG, the amount of food wastage per year will increase by a third in 2030

    hotel feeding shelter animals - Service

    They estimate that 2.1 billion tonnes of food will be lost or thrown away. this is equivalent to 66 tons of food per second. 

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    So, Chef J Gourmet and his team at 5 Star Hotel Fairmont in Abu Dabhi had come up with a wonderful plan called Doggy Bag Initiative to give these foods a second way.

    hotel feeding shelter animals - Food

    They decided to collect the hotel's leftover food and sent it to animal shelters.

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    Gourmet said that they carefully choose the ingredients that are safe to give the shelters.

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    They just take rice, vegetables, fish, meat, and bread for animals. Cheese, sauces, spices, and desserts are not allowed. The leftovers are cut and packaged in the same kitchen and then taken to the animal shelters.

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    They Deliver the food to the local "Cloud 9" pet hotel and wait to see if the stray animals would eat it.

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    This generous action prompted other luxury hotels in Abu Dhabi to do the same

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    The hotel has pledged to continue to send leftovers for the strays and called the other hotels and volunteers to join and help them with the initiative.

    hotel feeding shelter animals - Canidae

    "We want more hotels and restaurants to join us in the fight against throwing away leftovers so that they don't become rubbish but food for other creatures," the chef said.


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