
Chaotic TikTok Goes Viral of Girl Asking Her Partner if He Would Love Her as a Worm and then a Hawk Decapitates a Small Bird


TikToker Stefanie Cobb was simply trying to ask a very serious relationship question one fateful day when all hell broke loose. She was standing in front of her window enjoying watching the tiny neighborhood birds enjoy her bird feeder that she calls “Cafe Peep.” Perhaps it was the birds enjoying their meal that made her think of a worm, but it brought her to the age old question every partner must ask, “would you still love me if I were a bird?”


However, before her partner could respond tragedy struck. One of the tiny patrons of Cafe Peep was brutally murdered by a passing hawk. He just swopped down and got the little guy before anybody could even do anything. The most disturbing part was that the sick f*ck left the little bird's head for the TikToker to deal with. 


Cafe Peep


Cobb is rightfully panicking and sending videos to her partner giving him updates on the crime scene and asking for what she should do next. The head was stuck in the feeder pretty tight and she didn't want to shut down business for Cafe Peep. Eventually she was able to remove the head, though she does not disclose how, and the bird feeder aka Cafe Peeps became bustling with fluttering wild life once again. 


However, the question was never answered. Would Cobb's partner still love her if she were a worm?


So would he still love you as a worm?


In a shocking turn of events, he responds by saying he wishes she were a worm. What does this mean? We would probably have to get deep into their relationship to truly understand why. In the meantime, viewers wanted updates on Cafe Peep. 


Cafe Peep Press Conference

Cafe Peep Reopens


A press conference was held, alerting the public of the heinous murder that happened at the cafe and how it was being handled. Cobbs also shared a video showing that the Cafe is back in business. She asks if she should put a plaque in memory of the tiny bird taken by the hawk or if she should add it to the menu to get more hawk clients? Hopefully she will keep her public informed. 


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