

Tumblr thread on dungeons and dragons campaign | thouartathaumaturgeharry O battlecrazed-axe-mage forgamers They should make co- op game where and buddy go through many levels, leveling up and beating bosses But final boss is each other were my brother Player 2 | crunchthedeerstroyer one time did campaign DND where entire party woke up trash heap, memories wiped man shining white armor approached them. He helped them up, healed them, and helped them escape essentially dump and find their way

Tumblr Thread: Inspired DND Campaign Is a Feels Trip

Critical hit in the feelings.
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warning signs that are weird and scary | STATE LAW STOP PEDESTRIANS CROSSWALK POSITIVE RABIES ALERT NOTICE | WARNING Stay off fountain, Fire feature center will start without notice.

Creepy Warning Signs That Mean Serious Business

Thanks, signs.
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Funny memes for single people on Valentine's Day romance fail unflirty lonely alone dating | are 5X more likely get date around Valentine's Day calculator 5 x 0 = 0. NO VALENTINE SEAT BELT WILL HOLD crying cat

15 Amusing Valentine's Day Memes For The Sad Singles

Some anti-Valentine's Day memes!
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warning signs that are weird and scary | STATE LAW STOP PEDESTRIANS CROSSWALK POSITIVE RABIES ALERT NOTICE | WARNING Stay off fountain, Fire feature center will start without notice.

Creepy Warning Signs That Mean Serious Business

Thanks, signs.
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warning signs that are weird and scary | STATE LAW STOP PEDESTRIANS CROSSWALK POSITIVE RABIES ALERT NOTICE | WARNING Stay off fountain, Fire feature center will start without notice.

Creepy Warning Signs That Mean Serious Business

Thanks, signs.
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sad, painful and unhappy facts | SmallAndScarred 5 days ago Bus seats are designed so cannot tell dirty they really are.

Un-Fun Facts to Quote Around Respected Colleagues

Be that person everyone thinks is dark and weird!
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sad, painful and unhappy facts | SmallAndScarred 5 days ago Bus seats are designed so cannot tell dirty they really are.

Un-Fun Facts to Quote Around Respected Colleagues

Be that person everyone thinks is dark and weird!
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sad, painful and unhappy facts | SmallAndScarred 5 days ago Bus seats are designed so cannot tell dirty they really are.

Un-Fun Facts to Quote Around Respected Colleagues

Be that person everyone thinks is dark and weird!
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sad, painful and unhappy facts | SmallAndScarred 5 days ago Bus seats are designed so cannot tell dirty they really are.

Un-Fun Facts to Quote Around Respected Colleagues

Be that person everyone thinks is dark and weird!
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Not Fun facts submitted by reddit users. | r/AskReddit Join u/slayeris471 9h O 1 2 160 e 110 3 115 1 121 is NOT fun fact? WrongJohnSilver 8h 8 5 Awards man once had tapeworm get cancer cancer metastasized, and man died tumors tapeworm throughout his entire body. Reply 18.7k

28 Bleak Facts That Are The Opposite Of Fun

Womp womp
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Cringey and embarrassing, lol, funny, dank memes | @clease! Did still want come over tonight? So honestly l'm sorry but don't think this is going work Oh Yeah, there's something about just reminds more creature than girl lol Did just call fucking creature | pancakeke Follow kinda sad twitter and fb removed trump video considering 's only way eric trump ever gonna hear his dad say love very special" pancakeke Follow candybaggins Imagine being Eric Trump and hearing dad say not but strangers.

17 Sad Moments Of Pathetic Cringe

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Kid's dad passes away, kid discovers dad's notebook, and then a feels trip ensues. | Like, Anonymous 1 hour ago 46515536 1474820705804.jpg (23.3 KB, 242x206) 1 REPLY ears Rain, Sco0 >Born year 1993 >Mother abandoned at birth >22 year old father abandons all his dreams raises alone >times are tough as fuck as he has juggle work and whenever he has free time play vidya together move old nintendo and shit WoW raiding and so on

Kid's Dad Passes Away, Kid Discovers His Notebook, Feels Trip Ensues

Right in the feels.
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A collection of AskReddit replies to Redditors that joined the military and went on to regret it | tweet by IWasSayingBoourner greatest concentration absolute worst people l've ever come across my life silhouettes of soldiers walking

Redditors That Joined The Military Share Their Regrets

These people have all kinds of regrets.
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Funny and depressing memes | man looking at camera in front of a hug mess on a lawn including a passed out person. My therapist after taking one step into my mind IT'S A TERRIBLE SITUATION. Disappointment Island ozeia: im coming home im coming home tell world im coming home.

33 Downer Memes To Counteract All That Annoying Holiday Cheer

Holidays are over, time to be sad again.
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mistakes, messes, failures and chaos | fire truck burning in flames | ok now really got scammed pepperoni pizza that's almost entirely crust

Unwanted Moments of Failure and Chaos

Anything can happen.
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A collection of breakup texts between partners | hand written note Alexander Im sorry but dont want boyfriend anymore wanna break-up and no dont want be with any friends. Jenny

Breakup Texts That Ended Things In A Blaze Of Glory

Some people can't end things peacefully, and need to burn that bridge like no other.
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