

It's under construction careful of falling memes and jokes. Keep your eyes peeled and laugh at everything and anything industrial.

‘I need you here now’: Client demands technicians come in without extra pay on weekend

‘I need you here now’: Client demands technicians come in without extra pay on weekend

When a client makes an oversight, the service provider usually swoops in and saves the day, but this time, being the hero meant coming in on a Saturday… And nobody wants to come in on a Saturday! Unless they're getting paid a million bucks, and that definitely wasn't the case here. The client worked at a medical center, and had had some builders come in and do some work. OP, the person providing service for the client (who we'll call CB) was setting up some equipment for them. CB forgot to call…
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'Every time he called... the call was recorded': Contractor loses thousands of dollars to construction company, then takes a different job with them and plays the long game

'Every time he called... the call was recorded': Contractor loses thousands of dollars to construction company, then takes a different job with them and plays the long game

Taking a peek into the life of a contractor as he works to build a restaurant is so interesting. If you don't work as a contractor, you'd have no idea what goes on while people are building a restaurant. By reading this story, you get a good insight into the process: for example, it's not just one group of people who are in charge. Instead, there is a general contractor who is responsible for managing subcontractors who work under the GC's supervision. There might be one person who's in charge…
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road-rage, road-rage-reddit, construction-business-owner, contractor-karma, reddit, failblog, r-revengestories, revenge

'Had he shown even the slightest remorse…': Karma comes for road rage-filled contractor when guy he runs guy off the road finds out his business license is expired and reports him

‘Had he shown even the slightest remorse…': Karma comes for roadrage-filled contractor who gets his business reported by guy he
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'My grandparents reminded the neighbor that they had a deal': Man tells neighbors he'll sue if they renovate their home

'My grandparents reminded the neighbor that they had a deal': Outraged dude tells neighbor he will sue if they renovate their home

This guy felt oddly entitled to his next door neighbor's home . There are a million neighbor feuds for this very reason: you can't really tell other people how to run their lives. Sure, you can try to cajole your neighbor to take down her Christmas lights now that it's April, or maybe you can talk a different neighbor into taking down the floodlights that blind you while you try to sleep at night. But it doesn't always go as planned, and in this guy's case, his neighbors retaliated against him…
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'I asked her five times to make a payment... oh well': Contractors smash clients new patio to pieces after client refuses to pay the crew

'I asked her five times to make a payment... oh well': Contractors smash clients' new patio to pieces after client refuses to pay the crew

No good deed goes unpunished, as these poor contractors now know all too well. A group of contractors from Cheshire filmed themselves destroying a client's brand new fence. That's the opposite tactic that companies usually try to display on social media. Many of them will show photos or videos of things they've created in order to entice new customers. But these folks had a different message to send: respect us, or you'll pay. In the video below, a contractor explains that he completed a woman'…
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'We can't work like this': Employees team up after boss docks 15 minutes pay from worker for being 1 minute late; productivity crumbles

'We can't work like this': Employees team up after boss docks 15 minutes pay from worker for being 1 minute late; productivity crumbles

When a boss tries to swing his weight around his employees, things can go south pretty quickly. One boss who was especially into micromanaging decided that if his workers were 1 minute late, then he would dock 15 minutes of their pay. He believed that this would lead to more productivity. Maybe he learned this approach in one of those faulty 'be a boss' courses, or maybe he took notes from his own former boss, but either way, this kind of thing is not gonna fly with construction workers. Trying…
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'The contractor calls my office saying this is going to cost $20,000 to fix': Construction consultant gets even with boss

'The contractor calls my office saying this is going to cost $20,000 to fix': Construction consultant gets even with demanding boss by agreeing to "shut up and do your job"

How much could one little mistake possibly cost? Quite a lot, as it turns out. Bosses love to hire people for their expertise. Then, once the employee has settled into the role, some bosses start getting into micromanagement mode. Instead of letting their employee do the literal job they're paying them to do, these managers would rather doubt their worker at every turn. Worse still, the supervisor at u/licdb's job doesn't trust her to do a specific type of construction consulting that is her ar…
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'I fired a guy for trying to drive a scissor lift down the stairs': 25+ Safety watchdogs who were caught off guard

'I fired a guy for trying to drive a scissor lift down the stairs': 25+ Safety watchdogs who were caught off guard by careless companies

Maybe safety measures seem like common knowledge to us, but lots of companies would rather save a few bucks and let their employees take on the risk. That's why there's OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which doles out punishments for workplaces that don't protect their workers. However, OSHA is very understaffed, and there's a lot that slips through the cracks. Have you ever seen videos of demolition workers who are trying to bring down a building by themselves? They wil…
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'His old workplace suddenly had a lot of vacancies': Construction CEO replaces company leader for his work performance, leader poaches CEO's employees for his own new business

'His old workplace suddenly had a lot of vacancies': Construction CEO replaces company leader for his work performance, leader poaches CEO's employees for his own new business

Never assume, always make certain. Otherwise you might find yourself in the same situation that this boss did. There's a pernicious assumption that people who speak English as a second language aren't as smart as everyone else. There have been studies showing that people think this way about ESL folks. But in reality, speaking multiple languages shows that you're really bright. After all, if you aren't speaking in your first language, you kind of have to translate everything people are saying t…
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'I told you so': NY contractor is aghast after clients slash budget by $300k "just because," gets bittersweet redemption 2 years later

'I told you so': NY contractor is aghast after clients slash budget by $300k "just because," gets bittersweet redemption 2 years later

Budgeting for a home remodeling is never easy, especially when you live in NYC or any big city, really. Prices are always higher and the market for private contractors is so saturated it gets very overwhelming. However, it's not easy for the contractors either. You think doing construction in an area surrounded by other buildings and nowhere to park heavy machinery is easy? It takes a lot of finesse and experience. So when you find a contractor that is known for their honesty and craftsmanship,…
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'They pushed it too far': New residents demand to use neighbor's garden, bathroom and kitchen, while theirs is 'under construction'; neighbors refuse

'They pushed it too far': New residents demand to use neighbor's garden, bathroom and kitchen, while theirs is 'under construction'; neighbors refuse

Unless you live in a secluded spot in the wilderness, you are constantly gambling with whom you end up neighbors with. Maybe you end up next to LeBron and Roberta, those cool, laid-back neighbors who always have sugar handy when you run out. But, perhaps you wind up living next to Ken and Karen, the type of entitled folk who either grew up without any manners or never properly picked them up because of some kind of fluke in their personality. Unfortunately, u/controversial_jelly ended up with t…
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wildfire fire fires wildfires safety protocol malicious-compliance reddit osha work employee supervisor fired construction

'Over 400 hectares [burned]': Arrogant supervisor pushes his railroad workers to bend the rules on safety protocols; starts a raging wildfire, then gets justly fired for negligence

Some people just want to watch the world burn. But when you're the one guy who's only job is to prevent destruction from consuming the job site, that's exactly what you're trying to avoid. For some supervisors, especially the arrogant kind with a ‘i-can-do-no-wrong' attitude, being the safety guy at a construction site doesn't actually mean anything. They just want to trot around, puff their chest, and tell everyone what to do– even if it's the wrong call.
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reddit malicious-compliance contractor money expensive california customer custom client measurement wrong incorrect construction house building

'Trust me, just do it': Contractor scores $12,000 extra on a job because a know-it-all client insists his measurements are accurate; they are not

Clients lie. This is the one thing that is certain for every contractor in every industry. For some reason, know-it-all clients feel like it's some kind of flex to press their hobby knowledge on someone who is literally a professional in that field. In this case, a pushy Californian client was getting his home remodeled and couldn't fight his manly urge to try and teach his contractor a thing or two...
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Grandpa Builds Tallest House in Town for Family, Only to Drain the Equity, Leading to Foreclosure

Grandpa Builds Tallest House in Town for Family, Only to Drain the Equity, Leading to Foreclosure

When buying a property and beginning to build on it, you need a bunch of permits, and the house needs to pass inspection, which won't be possible if you don't build according to country code. But sometimes, if you're smart enough, you can dodge the rules, and make up some of your own. It doesn't always work, but when it does, it's quite something. In this case, OP shared a story about his ‘shady’ grandpa, who according to OP, was a very smart man, but also, not the greatest person in the world.…
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failblog reddit-summary antiwork quits construction blue collar independent-contractor - 21841669

'[I can] quit whenever]:' Contractor quits after boss snubs him on benefits, costs company over $2k and 25 days of lost productivity

There is a distinct different between working for a company and working independently. They both have their ups and downs, but it's a career choice many people make with very clear intentions on why. So when this contractor, who very much worked for a legit company, was getting treated financially as if he were an independent contractor, he decided to act accordingly. This contractor shared his story on Reddit and said that his boss was snubbing him on benefits. His boss made it very clear that…
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projects funny stories phone call work australia phone construction new phone moving phone calls construction workers phones sand - 21557509

'You told me to sort this out myself, this is me sorting this out': Construction boss forced to move one ton of sand after he refuses to update his phone number

After moving to a new country, this dude kept getting phone calls from random callers . These days, most of us get a few random calls a day, but our phone often lets us know they're robo calls. That way, we don't have to answer them and talk to a robot or someone trying to steal our life savings. However, this person had a more complex situation on their hands. They got a new phone number , but the previous person who'd had that number didn't bother to tell his clients about the number change.…
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