Hello fellow weekend warriors! We're back with another round of memes to help you push through the workday. Whether you're on the clock for overtime or just caught in the weekend grind, we all know that working on the weekend feels like it should be illegal. But here you are, with your energy drink cracked open, a bottle of ibuprofen in your lunch bag (along with, of course, a second energy drink), and your morning coffee pumping through your veins. Construction workers may have some of the most unpredictable schedules, but when that weekend shift hits, it's a whole different kind of struggle. Sure, the world outside is enjoying brunch or catching up on sleep, but you've got work to do—and, of course, some memes to help keep you sane. So when it's about time for you to extend your work break for as long as possible, hide in the porta-potty and check out these memes below because we've rounded up an extra-long list just for you this week.