

foxes fox aww art artist digital photoshop adorable cute animals imagination creative instagram yee chong

Artist Yee Chong Draws Adorable Fox As Real-life Pet

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Funny and creepy Australian Gothic tumblr thread | devilrie australian gothic all refer prime minister by their first name know them well, and they know us. all us there's man on street corner who never leaves just waiting mate he says realise he is on every corner every street are swooped by magpie same place, at same time, every single day s swooping season says neighbour has always been swooping season sometimes hear woman whispering late at night or early morning rage" she hisses rage prime

The Hot, Spider-Filled Existential Dread of Tumblr's Australian Gothic

Fear, and be confused by the Down-Under.
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squirrel nutty bar nuts beer on tap cute awesome amazing squirrels aww animals cool creative original | RESTROOMS NUTS NO NUTS CASHEW DUNKEL PEANUTS ALMOND PISTACHIO PALE ALE WALNUT STOUT PECAN PORTER NUTTY BAR FEELIN SQUARE

Man Builds Squirrel Bar Complete With 7 Varieties Of Nuts On Tap

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A collection of smart solutions to everyday problems that we encounter | making toast between two power chargers | lego figure used as a cable organizer

Genius Solutions To Everyday Problems

Give that LEGO bro a raise.
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A collection of smart solutions to everyday problems that we encounter | making toast between two power chargers | lego figure used as a cable organizer

Genius Solutions To Everyday Problems

Give that LEGO bro a raise.
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Man shares story about writing Titanic sequel for his middle school crush | Daniel Dockery Follow @dandock middle school had crush on girl whose favorite movie Titanic. So impress her wrote an outline sequel called Titanic 2. And every like this tweet gets will reveal another awful detail this story.

Twitter Thread: Man Writes Titanic Sequel For His Crush

Definite "A" for effort.
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A quick Tumblr post on common misconceptions when caring for monsters | headspace-hotel Follow Common misconceptions surrounding care monsters Contrary popular belief is NOT normal Cerberus's heads fight with one another; this indicates anxiety or lack proper enrichment. Giant spiders are actually very social creatures, and should not be housed alone. Provide Sphinx with enrichment by answering its riddles. Though Sphinxes can be trained attack those who answer incorrectly, they actually

Quick Tumblr Post On Caring For Monsters

This should be a video game.
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Askreddit where people describe their jobs as if they were crimes | decembertember 9.7k points 2 days ago drive fast and disregard rules road on my way break into peoples homes and cause immense water damage. Afterwards tear down their ceilings and drywall, and leave without cleaning anything up. Antwan_Valentino 3.4k points 2 days ago will never look at firefighters same

People's Jobs Described as Crimes

Somebody stop that...oh.
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Funny  and creative made up tumblr Titanic story | facts facts--just-made-up HAD TITANIC ARRIVED Titanic sank on April 14, 1912. Had not struck iceberg would have arrived New York on April 17th. But happening New York on April 17th, 1912 answer may change history as know .

Tumblr Thread on Titanic is as Fascinating as it is Made Up

It's incredible, like literally not credible.
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A collection of the most creative insults that people have ever heard | cheeseSamosas 22h gotta stop using head as just container teeth" Reply 1.8k

Most Creative Insults People Have Heard

Bonus points for creativity.
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People making statues jokingly hurt them | person throwing papers in the air near a statue of a baseball player swinging a bat | man pretending to get slapped in the face by a statue of a person on a monowheel

People Who Had Run-Ins With Aggressive Statues

It's alive!
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Pictures of COVID-Themed Prom Dress Using Duct Tape | flatten the curve face mask

Girl Makes Pandemic-Themed Prom Dress, Using Hundreds Of Meters Of Duct Tape

Creativity at its best
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Angels and demons bond with each other over sandwiches in creative Tumblr story | writing-prompt-s While putting favorite condiment on sandwich accidentally make magical occult symbol and summon demon teawitch silently take two more slices bread out package and make another sandwich put on plate with handful potato chips and hand demon. He takes sandwich, smiles and vanishes puff demonic smoke next day get job promotion were after. There no contract. No words spoken owe nothing. But every now an

Tumblr Thread: Angels And Demons Bond Over Sandwiches

Sandwiches bring everyone together.
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woman lookalike dolls children disabilities photos facebook inspiring heartwarming creative alone kids | woman sitting beside a sewing machine drawing on a toy and child holding a doll with spots on its body matching the human child

Woman Creates Inspiring Custom Lookalike Dolls For Kids With Disabilities

Making sure no child feels alone
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kids think outside box parent fails funny pictures kids these days | thumbnail text - “I told her, ’Your butt needs to stay in your room.’ Just went to check on her and found this. Her butt is in her room...”

Kids Who Tried To Outsmart Their Parents By Thinking Outside The Box

They definitely don't lack creativity
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funny cosplay done on a budget | person dressed in white throwing spaghetti on their face and falling into a corner resulting in the image of a haunted person in a horror movie | guy in soccer gear kicking a ball over a watermelon football anime

Low Cost Cosplay Living Fantasies for Cheap

It might as well be identical.
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