

linkedin, twitter, twitter thread, geese, farmer, farming, tech, tech bro, quit, work, job

'He's living the dream': Corporate tech bro gets kudos for quitting 22-year career, becoming goose farmer

An enviable LinkedIn profile
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Goats Get Outshined By Farm Cat After Farmer Tries to See Which One of the Kids Has the "Shared Brain Cell" of the Day, Goes Viral

Goats Get Outshined By Farm Cat After Farmer Tries to See Which One of the Kids Has the "Shared Brain Cell" of the Day, Goes Viral

And to think we thought cats were the ones sharing one brain cell—seems more like they have at least TWO.
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pro revenge hoa neighbors farmer neighborhood revenge homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors farmers Bad Neighbor neighbor - 25223173

New neighbor sues over encroaching fence, farmer puts a pig pen right next to their "shiny new" home: 'My eyes would start watering it smelled so bad'

Being cautious and conscientious about where you're buying property is extremely important. Ensuring that you're aware of any zoning, environmental hazards, or other possible issues ensures that you're going to not only make a good investment but enjoy a peaceable existence in your new home as well. Future-proofing is important too. Of course, you can't control all eventualities, but the last thing you want to do is get caught out, unaware that you were buying next to a plot of land that could…
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'Enjoy the car now': Farmer brings rental car back covered in mud after driving it around the countryside following rental company's unfair demands he pay 1 day extra

'Enjoy the car now': Farmer brings rental car back covered in mud after driving it around the countryside following rental company's unfair demands he pay 1 day extra

One farmer was fed up with a car rental company after being charged $91 extra for no good reason. But wait, let's start from the beginning. The farmer's car was being repaired after being involved in a small crash, which forced him to rent a car for $91 a day. To the company's credit, they had some pretty great policies, such as 'no cleaning fee' no matter how dirty the car got, and unlimited miles, which was useful, as the farmer lived in the countryside. Finally, his car was almost fixed, so…
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malicious compliance public official mayor malicious-compliance-reddit farmer revenge revenge-stories farmers farm - 25140229

Mayor mows farmer's newly planted orchard adjacent to his house, farmer makes it a wetland instead: 'It's huge, it's beautiful, it's wet'

If you live adjacent to an upstart public official, there's a good chance you're going to run into problems, especially when they believe in loose applications of the rules when it benefits them—despite their otherwise pedantic outlook on regulations. Of course, you're going to run into even more problems when you're managing your agriculturally zoned land in unconventional ways, turning to relatively newfound ecological means of managing pests rather than dumping hundreds of gallons of pestici…
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Boris the Barn Cat Loves to Give and Get Kisses From Her Herd of Cows, Goes Viral

Boris the Barn Cat Loves to Give and Get Kisses From His Herd of Cows, Goes Viral

“Meow meets moo.”
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farmer, machinery, kids, adults, old, old people, tiktok, twitter, twitter thread, funny, funny video

'How old is he? 50?': Boomer kid impresses internet with precocious knowledge of farm machinery

An old soul
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'I fear this is going to devastate me': Newborn two-headed calf goes viral on TikTok as followers obsess over its progress

“And there were twice as many stars in the sky.”
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'Do it later, or not at all': Farmers teach a lesson to city folks after they make 'smell complaints [and] noise complaints'

'Do it later, or not at all': Farmers teach a lesson to city folks after they make 'smell complaints [and] noise complaints'

These city people had a lot to learn about life in the country . A few years back when everyone was stuck indoors for a year or so, lots of people couldn't handle it. Especially for city dwellers, being cooped up inside made it feel like we were trapped. For people who had the money to do so, moving to the countryside seemed like a great solution. They could be properly isolated from others while actually having space to roam around, garden, or take walks. But since this was such a last-minute…
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pro revenge rural farmer petty-revenge-reddit lawyer revenge revenge-stories petty revenge Lawyers farmers revenge-stories-reddit - 23608837

'[The lawyer] just stood there, staring': Dairy farmer gets revenge on big-shot lawyer for parking in his driveway

The story of the rural folks' stand against the ever-expanding metropolis and its unfriendly denizens, at this point, is almost mythology. And there's good reason behind that. The rural life paints pictures of warm, tilled-earth, dewy mornings bringing the smell of fresh, damp soil, friendly, tight-knit communities, and the down-to-earth, salt-of-the-earth people who inhabit them. Meanwhile, cities bring forth images of inorganic filth and a cacophony of unnatural sounds. Scores of people pass…
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'The next day, signs go up on 80 trees in a row': Tractor trailer driver refuses to stop parking in a pecan grove, farmers try numerous tactics to get him to leave

'The next day, signs go up on 80 trees in a row': Tractor trailer driver refuses to stop parking in a pecan grove, farmers try numerous tactics to get him to leave

This truck driver kept parking on an expensive and private plot of land . He didn't know it at first, but then even after he was told about the issue, he still kept doing it. The allure of being out on the open road and seeing thousands of miles of the country you live in is a great incentive for many truck drivers. As a driver, you'll get to travel through numerous states and get to see lots of different cities and towns. Plus, driving trucks is crucial to the economy---how else would food, cl…
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funny animal video livestock farmer black bears animal comedy goats funny farm animals funny goats viral animal video farmers farm animals animal tiktok - 22779653

Goats Cartoonishly Outrun Giant Black Bear Doing Laps in Backyard and Escape Completely Unharmed, Internet Reacts

It was like the goats were the roadrunner and the bear was Wile E. Coyote!
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‘You wrecked my fence’: Quarry refuses to compensate farmer $60,000 for his fence, end up paying one million dollars in damages

‘You wrecked my fence’: Quarry refuses to compensate farmer $60,000 for his fence, end up paying one million dollars in damages

Farm work is not easy, although you'll often see farming painted idyllically as a laid-back lifestyle that everyone should aspire to. People from the city will generally gabber about wanting to move to the country, ‘live off the land’, underestimating the amount of work that is put into it. Growing crops and taking care of animals can be extremely challenging. As shared by OP, his brother-in-law (Let's call him Bob) was growing avocados on his ranch, when a portion of it was destroyed by a wild…
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farmer farmers pro revenge funny stories malicious compliance revenge city revenge-stories city life - 22085125

'He had 400 hogs delivered to what, at this point, was one of the busiest roads in town': Farmer gets revenge on developer and city government who won't pay him a fair price for his land

The bustling pace of urban life is often seen as an affront to those who have only known the relative peace of pastoral living. The two lifestyles are presented as opposite sides of the same coin, with neither capable of existing with the other—on account of the fact that the encroaching bounds of metropolitan life dissolve the countryside like a seltzer tablet in a glass of water. This story originated from a user who claimed to have found it in a comment on a different Reddit thread, neglecti…
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'He called their bluff': Avocado farmer teams up with corporate attorney wife after electrical line ignites his crops

'He called their bluff': Avocado farmer teams up with corporate attorney wife after electrical line ignites his crops

This farmer may have lost his avocado farm , but he didn't give up. U/SomeoneYouDontKnow70 shared this tale of their brother in law's excellent way of getting what he deserved after losing his livelihood. Farming is one of the most difficult jobs out there, whether you're raising cattle or growing crops. As a farmer, you have to be dedicated to your crops year round, like this guy, who grew avocados in California. Unfortunately for him, nature decided to mess with his harvest. It seems like a f…
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'City folk come at the farmer': Tractor-driving farmer quits plowing snow from neighbors' yard after neighbor tells him 'do it later, or not at all'

'City folk come at the farmer': Tractor-driving farmer quits plowing snow from neighbors' yard after neighbor tells him 'do it later, or not at all'

A new guy in town learned to be careful what he asks for from his neighbors . As u/Doriantalus shared, they grew up on a dariy farm, where they have a typical farm lifestyle . That means waking up at the crack of dawn to start farm chores — cows need to be fed and milked at specific times of day, so it's important that the farmers are consistent. The OP's dad sounds like a really nice guy. OP writes that each winter, he would wake up before chore time — around 3 AM — in order to plow every neig…
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