

Two New Pokémon Sun and Moon Rivals Are Named After Flowers Found in Hawaii

Via LeechSeed222

Coachella Kitten Loves Snapchat Filters

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Coachella Kitten Loves Snapchat Filters

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Happy Teacher's Day

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Happy Teacher's Day

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Mooove Over Winter, Spring is Here!

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Hipster Dog is Ready for Coachella

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Hipster Dog is Ready for Coachella

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But That's So Sad

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A Rose By Any Other Name Would Smell as Skeet

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At Least She Died Happy?

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Flowers, Not Firearms

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Just Clear Your Mind.. So You Have Room for Different Anxieties

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I've Seen His Head Spin

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We Can't All Be Flowers

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This is Why Most Flowers Turn Toward the Sun

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