

list of the 10 largest dog breeds, twitter thread | thumbnail includes two photos of large dogs, and the text 'Top 10 largest dog breeds in the world 2020.  A Thread.  Make sure you share'

Informative Twitter Thread: The 10 Largest Dog Breeds In The World

Here at ICanHasCheezburger we looooove doggos. Big dogs, small dogs, short dogs, tall dogs, we are doggy-positive no matter what. But we must admit that we have a special soft spot for enormous chonky dogs that act like gentle giants . Many large dogs seem to have a complete lack of awareness for how big they truly are, which gets extra funny when big dogs try to act like small dogs and sit on people's laps. It's also adorable watching tiny children playing with enormous dogs , nothing could be…
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15 text based images wht to do with picky dog eaters | thumbnail Hey everyone, I have a 11 month old basset that is starting to show no interest in his kibble, l've tried adding water, l've tried adding pumpkin and he used to love pumpkin, l've tried adding carrots, cause he still eats those by itself. Just wondering what others are hooking up there pups with when it comes to food? Encouraging them to eat. It's only started about a week ago. He seems to eat when I add a slice of diced deli ham"

Discussion On Dealing With Picky Doggo Eaters: Tips And Tricks

Is your doggo a picky eater? Does he/she have a habit of hunger striking until they get exactly what they want? What do you even do in this situation! You don't want your doggo to go hungry, but you also don't want to give in to them and give them the idea that they can just go on a hunger strike and get whatever they want. No, no, that is not how this works buddy! Let's dive into this discussion. We came across an interesting discussion in which doggo owners came together from near and far to …
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video of angelina jolie showing art and necessity of bee keeping | thumbnail left bee hive set up, thumbnail right angelina jolie wearing bee keeper clothing, looking at bees

Angelina Jolie Shows Us The Amazing Art of Beekeeping (Video)

Celebrity and philanthropist Angelina Jolie took a recent trip to France to check out the program “Women for Bees.” To be frank, bees are disappearing because of humans. According to Woodland Trust , the biggest causes of bee population decline include everything from habitat loss to climate change . Women for bees is working to preserve the existing bee habitats and exploring ways to improve the unfortunate decline in honeybees. This video shows us that bees are one of the most important anima…
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5 videos of ocean wildlife | thumbnail left fish close up underwater with only one right eye, thumbnail left school of stingrays in ocean

5 Action Packed Videos Of Awesome Ocean Wildlife

If you are anything like us then you are probably mystified by the awesomeness of the ocean. It's mind boggling to think of all the different and unique species that call the ocean home! Many of whom we will probably never get the pleasure of seeing and experiencing up close. That's why today we have prepared for you five totally awesome action packed ocean life videos! Let's get to know the creatures of the ocean a little bit better, and we can think of no better place to start than to watch s…
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tumblr thread about small wild cats that look like house cats | thumbnail includes two pictures of small wild cats 'Font - blackswallowtailbutterfly Follow Wild Cats That Look Like Domestic Cats! European wild cat (Felis silvestris), sometimes erroneously listed as the ancestor of the domestic cat:'

Tumblr Thread: Wild Cats That Look Like Harmless Little House Cats

Don't mix them up LOL
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tumblr thread about letting cats go outside safely | thumbnail includes a tumblr post 'Font - kedreeva Follow Feel free to unfollow me right now if you believe it's okay to endanger your house cat or the local native fauna it absolutely will kill by allowing it outside unsupervised/off lead. Outdoor cats have a lifespan of 2-5 years. Indoor cats regularly live 15+, even getting up to 20+ sometimes. Unsupervised indoor-outdoor cats often don't make it past 5 and the ones that do are a very lucky'

Tumblr Thread: Finding Safe And Fun Solutions For Cats Who Love The Outdoors

Gotta keep our furbabies safe <3
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15 image thread collection of reddit discussion, what do dogs really think about walks | thumbnail "Can't speak for all dogs but mine seem to think it's time to explore. Sniff, pee on stuff, look for critters... it's hard to explain but he seems to genuinely enjoy just moving forward and taking in the world around him! Like he's always looking forward to the next exciting thing we might come across. Even if we're just walking around our suburban neighborhood"

Discussion: What Do Dogs Really Think About Walks

What do doggos really think when they see you reaching for the collar and leash? This group of Reddit users had a lot to offer when answering this simple, yet intriguing question! Some doggos see every walk as a patrol session, meaning they essentially do a sweep of the neighborhood looking for new and interesting scents, occurrences, people, and just get an updated picture of what's going on in the outside world. Other doggos see a walk as more of an adventure, with endless possibilities and t…
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scientific video about ferrets | thumbnail ferret walking through see through structure in nature

Interesting Scientific Facts Behind The Bendiness Of Ferrets (Video)

These super flexible predators are very unique. The ferret has a well-adopted body design, the flexibility in the ferret is due to a unique position of back vertebrae. In other mammals, the protrusion on each section of the spine stops it from moving too far. In ferrets, these protrusiona are more tenuous, and create flexibility and mobility. Their spines can essentially spread out when the ferret travels in a pipe or underground, thus increasing their body length by up to 30%! That's a pretty …
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list of discussion on letting dogs lead on walks | thumbnail blue background text " I guess where it makes a difference is if you have a reactive and/or scared dog. It can help them mentally if you are leading. They may feel relief that you are in charge, so to speak. I dogsat an elderly Chihuahua for a month and it was visibly more comfortable in a follower position on walks. It also makes a difference if the dog tends to pull on the leash or"

Discussion: Letting Your Dog Lead On Walks And How It Affects Their Behavior

Doggo owners and lovers, we came across a discussion today that you might just relate to! Daily walks are a big part of the doggo training process. You give your dog both verbal and physical cues to help explain what you expect from them. A big part of dog training during these walks also come from you, the doggo owner, managing your dog's behavior by leading the walk. Reddit user and OP has decided that he's had enough with attempting to lead his dog on walks, and has decided to just allow his…
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12 images of bee keeping process and bees | thumbnail left bees swarming around hive, thumbnail right wooden panels bee hive with bees

Hobby Beekeeper Walks Us Through His Sweet As Honey Beekeeping Process

Hi friends! We have always been fascinated with beekeeping. It's a super interesting process that many folks take up as a hobby! We don't know about y'all, but we love a dash of honey in our tea. Maybe we'll take up beekeeping, too. Depends what the process really looks like, though. We wonder how big of a time commitment it is! Let's see what our Minnesota local and Imgur user “ByGonzah” has to say. “So, I'm a hobby beekeeper in Minnesota. I've kept bees for more than 10 years, although it's f…
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12 images of cats and text with litter box tips | thumbnail two images of cat with do and don't text foreground

Do's And Don'ts On All Things Kitty Litter: Helpful Tips

Imgur User and feline behaviorist "adrianaontherocks" is using Imgur as a platform to educate and answer questions about all things feline behavior. "Hi Imgur, I'm your friendly neighborhood feline behaviorist. If you're having a cat behavior issue, or are just curious about something cat-related, feel free to ask me about it and I'll see if I can help you out." Thanks, Adriana ! We have tons of questions and appreciate your expertise! Today we tackle all things litter. “Different cats have dif…
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viral imgur thread about the world's largest ocean animals | thumbnail includes a picture of a diver next to a giant jellyfish 'DigitalZoo Giant Ocean Creatures'

Thread: The Largest Most Wonderous Ocean Animals

Nature. Is. Amazing.
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collection of animal facts by Guff | thumbnail includes a picture of a crocodile 'Mouth - GUFF OFACTS facts by Guff After a crocodile had been shot in the head and left for dead, a local fisherman from Costa Rica nursed it back to health before releasing it into the wild. The next day, the man discovered that 'Pocho' the nursed crocodile, had followed him home and was sleeping on the man's porch. For 20 years, Pocho became part of the man's family.'

Unexpectedly Cool And Educational Animal Facts

Laugh and learn.
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14 images and text kittens and how to make your life easier | thumbnail kitten left and right with text foreground

6 Tips To Make Life With A Kitten A Lil Easier

Imgur User and feline behaviorist "adrianaontherocks" is using Imgur as a platform to educate and answer questions about all things feline behavior. "Hi Imgur, I'm your friendly neighborhood feline behaviorist. If you're having a cat behavior issue, or are just curious about something cat-related, feel free to ask me about it and I'll see if I can help you out." Today she focuses on something that can be relevant for pretty much all cat owners. Things you can do with your kittens to make your l…
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28 shark gifs | thumbnail left shark jumping out of water, thumbnail right shark and human swimming underwater

Super Sharp Shark Dump (Gifs)

Howdy folks! It's true, we usually focus on land based animals, but today we decided to shine a spotlight on our deep sea friends, sharks ! “Let’s face it, sharks have a bad rap. Thanks to sensationalized stories and stereotyping, sharks have become feared rather than revered. They’re labeled as dangerous, indiscriminate killers that eat anything in sight. But in fact, sharks are most often the victims. They’re killed by the millions annually to supply demand for their fins, which are made into…
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12 images and tweets related to loose porcupine | thumbnail tweet foreground background image of loose porcupines two small animations to right

Firefighters Spot Porcupine On The Loose In British Village

Uh oh!! In one British village, a prickly porcupine was found on the loose out and about, giving the locals quite a fright. Porcupines are not native to this area which caused many to suspect that it escaped from a neighboring area. We wonder where this guy came from and how he found himself in Cambridgeshire! "Firefighters did a 'double take' when they spotted a porcupine on the loose in a village. The prickly chap is thought to have escaped as the animals are not native to Cambridgeshire. Fir…
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