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Silly Goofy Existential Crisis Memes to Unite Millennials and Gen Z

The two generations who will get the last laugh as the world ends.
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30 Flirty & Thriving: Funny Dating Memes for Brave Millennial Baddies Unafraid to Flirt First

Goodbye and good riddance to insecure dating in your 20s, hello to putting-your-needs-first dating in your 30s.
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throwback millennial-throwbacks millennials nostalgic-millennials nostalgia millennials-memes nostalgic gen x throwback-memes nostalgia memes tbt millennial-nostalgia funny-millennials - 21054469

An ‘Invader Zim’ Lunchbox Full of Nostalgia Memes for Millennials Who Need to Satisfy Their Nostalgic Funny Bone (June 22, 2023)

We may not be able to afford a house, but we'll never forget how rich we felt going into the Scholastic Book Fair with $20 in our pockets.
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1990s, 90s music, 90s memes, relatable memes, millennials, 70s, 80s music, generation x, 80s, gen x, 90s kids, 90s, generations, 1970s, generation, 1980s

Gen X Memes For The Middle Child of Generations

Outshined by baby boomers and millennials
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An ‘Invader Zim’ Lunchbox Full of Nostalgia Memes for Millennials Who Need to Satisfy Their Nostalgic Funny Bone (June 15, 2023)

An ‘Invader Zim’ Lunchbox Full of Nostalgia Memes for Millennials Who Need to Satisfy Their Nostalgic Funny Bone (June 15, 2023)

So, where do we trade in our Princess Diana Beanie Babies for a house?
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Gen Z vs. Millennial vs. Boomer: Woke TikToker calls out cringey generational feuds that make some ageists draw a line in the sand, hilarity ensues

And as always, Gen X (the forgotten middle child of society) isn't even mentioned
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A compilation of memes about Generation X

Generation X Memes For The Whatever Generation

If there's anything that Generation X is known for, it's for being the best generation of angsty teenagers. Sure, Baby Boomers had their hippie streak, but everything they've done since has been so chronically uncool it's basically ruined their generational reputation. Millennials are, for the most part, kind of try-hards. They were not particularly known for being rebellious youths on all but one front: teen pregnancy. Nobody did pregnancy pacts like Millennials, and as a member of Gen Z , I r…
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workplace-stories coworkers millennials discussion society workplace-discussion workplace coworker - 20676357

'He didn't believe me': Older coworkers stunned to find out how much man is paying in rent, sparks vigorous discussion about housing

Things certainly aren't how they used to be… While that common cliché has been repeated for generations now, possibly since the beginning of human existence, when it comes to the housing market, it's pretty clear that things aren't how they used to be. Gone are the days when a young couple could afford a four-bedroom home on one income while starting a family—raising and somehow funding an entire brood of children. The thing is, your older family, friends, and coworkers might not even realize h…
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nostalgia, 90s, internet, memories, millennials, millennial, elder millennial, twitter, twitter thread, nostalgic, gen x

Nostalgic People Share the Things They Miss From Pre-Internet Times

It was so different
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A Midweek ‘Invader Zim’ Bag Full of Nostalgia Memes for Millennials Who Need to Satisfy Their Nostalgic Funny Bone (June 8, 2023)

An ‘Invader Zim’ Lunchbox Full of Nostalgia Memes for Millennials Who Need to Satisfy Their Nostalgic Funny Bone (June 8, 2023)

Remember all those viruses we used to pile up while downloading one song for 5 hours? Ahhhh, those were the days!
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Zillennial Submarine Co-Pilot Goes Viral for Sharing Her Day-to-Day Life Working Under the Ocean Waves in Hawaii

Zillennial Submarine Co-Pilot Goes Viral for Sharing Her Day-to-Day Life Working Under the Ocean Waves in Hawaii

She wakes up at 5am every day, but she has no regrets—she gets rewarded everyday at her job with the beautiful breathtaking ocean views.
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1990s 00s 2000s throwback gen-alpha old school early 2000s millennials nostalgia aim nostalgic gen x 90s kids gen z myspace dial up - 19558405

30+ Things Millennials Grew Up With That Would Send Gen Z Alpha Into a Coma

Remember how EVERYONE and their mothers drank Slimfast Shakes...
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'Show me the money!': Gen Z employees make a riveting video showing their boss that they deserve that "performance-based" bonus

They definitely deserve at least a pizza party after that bend-and-snap.
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samantha-jones sex-and-the-city satc new-york single single-life dating dating-advice millennials relationships timeless wisdom quotes millennials memes samantha-jones-memes quotes spicy single

30 Timeless Samantha Jones Quotes That Every Big City Millennial in the Dating Scene Can Relate to in 2023

She's fabulous, she talks like a sailor, and she's always celebrating her 35th birthday... She's ✨Samantha✨
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insecure humor therapy millennials stress Memes tweets comedy gen z funny anxiety - 20747269

20+ Memes for Folks With Too Much Anxiety, Insecurity, and Stress

So many of us simply do not have the toolbox to handle stress well. So what do we do instead? We come across memes on the Internet and send them to our besties with a one-word message that reads "me."
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An ‘Invader Zim’ Bag Full of Nostalgia Memes for Millennials Who Need to Satisfy Their Nostalgic Funny Bone This Week (June 1, 2023)

An ‘Invader Zim’ Bag Full of Nostalgia Memes for Millennials Who Need to Satisfy Their Nostalgic Funny Bone This Week (June 1, 2023)

Only millennials' will understand this: "Obtuse rubber goose green moose guava juice giant snake birthday cake large fries chocolate shake!"
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