

Satan, not to be mistaken with the lovely fabric. The big guy downstairs used to scare people to walk the straight and narrow for nearly 2000 years. It's about time you find a reason to laugh at him, even just a bit. What do you have to fear, Purgatory? Possibly.

He Could Be Anywhere at Any Time!

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This IS a Really Busy Season for Birthdays...

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This IS a Really Busy Season for Birthdays...

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Preheating to 666 Degrees

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Now That's a Solution

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To Return That Call, or Not...

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To Return That Call, or Not...

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This Happens Every Christmas

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Jessica Has a Special Friend From the Depths

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Jessica Has a Special Friend From the Depths

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Damn, Man...Not Cool

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Damn, Man...Not Cool

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Via Larhavoc

Damn, Man...Not Cool

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Via Larhavoc

How to Hail a Taxi

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Cat's New Friend

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Devilishly Good Beer

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