

What funny thing happened at school that caused utter chaos for the faculty?

'I scotch taped all of my classmates together': 25+ Class clowns who took school shenanigans too far

There's nothing like the perfect senior prank, but the lengths some teens will go to achieve it is striking. For some teens, being known as the person who pulled the perfect senior prank is really important. At many high schools, the prank is organized by dozens of people. And as the folks below told with their own stories, the results can be legendary and hilarious. Just don't get caught! A common punishment is not being able to walk in graduation, and no grad wants to miss that. It seems that…
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school students teaching dnd teachers dnd memes teacher story reddit thread dungeons and dragons - 20932357

'What are you even doing?': Principal gets owned by students for trying to break up teacher's DnD game

There's something to be said about leaving things you don't understand well enough alone. We see this often in workplaces when some new-fangled manager comes along who doesn't understand the technical work of the people reporting to them; rather than seeking to understand (or admitting that they don't understand), they try to apply their existing mental framework to the situation—often with disastrous results. This situation is no different; when working with kids, you're going to find yourself…
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firing school jobs fired toxic-workplace job teaching teachers teacher employees workplace unemployment unemployed employment - 20850437

'Now they want a resignation notice': Teacher gets fired, then ordered to submit a resignation

Getting fired sucks; having your means of income suddenly dissipate leaves you in a pretty vulnerable situation, forcing you to dig into your savings in order to keep yourself afloat—which, considering how hard it is to save at the moment… probably doesn't leave you with a lot. Luckily, there's unemployment (if you uniquely qualify), which can help bridge the gap and keep you off the streets while you find new work, which your previous employer must pay a part of—unless they can devise a way to…
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school toxic-workplace teaching work coworkers teachers awesome teacher teacher workplace - 20768005

'My next paycheck was $3500 more': Administration's attempt to dock teacher's hours makes them realize they're not being properly paid

Sometimes, in the effort to save $1, you lose $10—like when you buy an older bicycle, but it turns out, with all the work needing to be done to it, you should have just bought a newer one instead. Life's like that sometimes, and if you're trying to dig up ways that employees are screwing you to save money, you'd better be darned sure you're not actually screwing them, or else that might cost you—big time. When the administration tried to tell this teacher that she was having her hours docked fo…
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teaching memes, school, elementary school, teach, teaching, middle school, teacher memes, teachers, awesome teacher, teacher, high school, Parenting Fail, immature high schoolers, parents

Teacher Memes For Celebrating The Last Day of School

It's finally over
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School Administration Bans Students From Using The Restroom During Class

Every student has had this dreaded interaction with a K-12 teacher. "Can I use the restroom?" “I don't know, can you?” Not only is it unoriginal, but most children will not understand the grammatical problem at hand. That's because there is no grammatical problem with “Can I use the restroom,” and teachers who act like there is are simply in the mood to be pedantic. There is a specific Southern brand of this interaction that I remember vividly from elementary school. “May I use the restroom?” “…
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'Wait your turn': Karen demands random student help her with her shopping, teacher puts Karen in her place

'Wait your turn': Karen accosts ex-employee and demands they help her with her shopping, teacher puts Karen in her place

It's often said that we should seek to better the world by helping those around us, but what if those people needing help are demanding help and being incredibly rude about it? Better to let the world burn if that's how it's going to be. There's no shortage of entitled people who have a 6th sense for the goodwill of others and look to latch onto that goodwill-doer like a leech and absorb all of the goodwill that is to be had. This student was helping a retired teacher from their school when the…
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teacher gets hilariously meme'd by his students at his wedding

High School Students Crash Teacher's Wedding and Turn His Wedding Photos Into Hilarious Memes

As if teachers don't have it hard enough already...
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teach, threats, teaching, teachers, awesome teacher, teacher, parenting, threatening, failing, Parenting Fail, parents, Parenting FAILS, school, crazy things parents say, high school

Parent Accuses Teacher of 'Threatening' Their Child Because He Brought Up Summer School to Their Failing Student

When you're a little kid, there's nothing scarier than the possibility of attending summer school. That's where you go when you're a juvenile delinquent throughout the year and don't finish your schoolwork. When a teacher brings up the dreaded idea of attending summer school, it's usually a simple scare tactic to submit a class of youngsters into obedience. There's nothing wrong with that! Once you get to high school , you realize that summer school is an actual possibility and not just a scare…
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FAILS, aita, school, FAIL, things kids say, kids, field trip, teachers, teacher, parenting, reddit thread, Reddit, Terrible Teacher, parents, water park

Strong Mother Stands Up to Teacher Who Tried to Make Her Daughter Babysit a 'Problem Child' on a Field Trip

I'm so glad I'm not in school anymore and no longer have to be the “buffer student.” Almost every former girl child knows what it's like to be the “buffer student." When teachers have “problem kids” in their class, they often seat them next to quiet and well-behaved kids (mostly girls) to attempt to mitigate the problem (or buffer it). Teachers think that well-behaved kids will rub off on the rowdy ones, but usually, it results in well-behaved kids becoming miserable. I always seemed to end up…
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'Fine, I'll leave you alone': Teacher gets even with team of students, they miss MVP project deadline, fail program

'Fine, I'll leave you alone': Teacher gets even with team of students, they miss MVP project deadline, fail program

Though the days we fretted about exams are far behind us, we can still remember the bitter taste in our mouths as we bit our nails, staring gloomily out into the distance through our dorm windows, the background noise upping our stress levels. Being a student sucks, we get it. But that's no excuse to disregard someone else's time, much less a mentor who isn't actually receiving any money for doing their job. In this case, an IT mentor volunteered to teach students code, IT, and MVP. The team of…
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workplace-stories professor student university toxic-workplace workplace-story students college students teachers teacher Professors workplace student problems teacher-stories Terrible Teacher college student - 20214277

'Oh I’m not allowed to clean up early? Have it your way': University TA schools professor over unreasonable demand

Sometimes the student becomes the teacher—and sometimes, the student-teacher becomes the teacher of the teacher-student. Funny how life works like that, isn't it? The moral here is that you shouldn't ever assume that you know everything just because you're in charge; in fact, you'd do best to assume the opposite… A great leader is constantly learning themselves—after all, everyone has something to teach you—and identifying and utilizing other people's strengths is how you build a successful tea…
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students education system education-administrator US-School-System Us-education-system teachers millennial-teacher teacher education student-advocacy school-system - 20192773

Former-High School Teacher Starts "Student Advocacy" Business and Shares Videos of Conversations Where She Stands Up for Students and Squashes Unfair Education Administrators

It's refreshing to see someone standing up for these students when they most need it.
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school university malicious compliance school-story revenge teachers group projects petty revenge teacher college college student - 20018437

'I WILL do your project': Worst project partner ever tries to get student to do the whole thing, she does but ensures he fails

It's no secret that we hate group projects; they bring out the absolute worst in people. But I'd also argue that group projects are one of the few things schools assign that prepares you for the challenges you'll face for the rest of your life. Group projects are important for teaching the challenges of communicating with entitled individuals, doing your peer's work for them, being graded on others' lack of participation, and having others take credit for your work. All of which you'll repeated…
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Reddit thread where teachers share the hilariously inappropriate things their students have said

Teachers Share the Funniest Inappropriate Things Their Students Have Said

When you're a kid, you have to be a little sneaky with what you say. When I was a wee lass, I had a huge potty mouth , and it took me a while to learn that there were some words you just couldn't say in front of adults without consequences. I remember how unjust I thought it was that my mom could swear, but I couldn't when I was 11 years old. Swearing seemed like the coolest thing in the world, and all I wanted to do was show the kids at school that I knew more bad words than they did. But alas…
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teach, teaching, teachers, awesome teacher, teacher, school, elementary school, students, things kids say, kids, middle school, educational, kids these days, high school, education, immature high schoolers

Teacher Memes To Pass Around The Teachers Lounge

No students allowed
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