
Boyfriend Proves Just How 'Normal' He Can Be Before Meeting Girlfriend's Parents; Hilarity Ensues


It can be super stressful meeting your significant other's parents. You obviously want to be exactly what they're hoping for their perfect little baby. But how do you know? You can ask your BF/GF but maybe they're oblivious.


Sometimes the best bet is just to act as normal as possible, at least the first time, then you can assess their vibe and decide which quirks you want to slowly unveil to them so that they will not only approve of but relate to you as well.


I guess when you really think about it, meeting someone's parents kinda has a similar energy to a first date. You don't want to be too boring, but you also don't necessarily want to share your most extreme attributes and questionable opinions. Ya feel?


So this is all to say, if you get nervous before meeting someone's parents, you are most definitely not alone! It is a nerve-racking occasion. Eventually, those will be the same people you ask for permission to get married to, it's better if they at least like you a wee bit.


TikTok user @tinyideastuff is actually a group of three people who make some hilarious viral skits about everyday occurrences. The three creators involved are referred to as Tiny Hrannar, Tiny Ann, and Tiny Eva.


The hilarious group has racked up over 1.9 Million views since they began.


One of their most memorable series is a bit about a guy overly preparing to meet his girlfriend's parents.


Watch as this guy takes the commonly used phrase, “act normal” to an insane level.


Normal Guy Part 1


Normal Guy Part 2

Normal Guy Part 3

So, basically, if anybody is looking for any tips on how to act totally normal around someone's parents, you've arrived at the perfect place. Clearly, this man knows something we don't and we should all feel very appreciative of him for that very fact.


Here's hoping that this cringy series continues. Is it hard to watch? Sure. But it is simply hilarious. Feel free to check out any of their other skits, they'll probably leave you equally as giddy.


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