
Incredible Photos From A Wintery Mars

  • photo grey blue aerial view mars landscape fractals dendritic landscape patterns

    These dendritic patterns are formed by many seasons of hot and cold weather, which cause the land to freeze and thaw out. This changes the landscape, creating a series of fractals that continue forever on southern Mars.

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  • photo mars red earth with dried up river gully white frost early springtime

    This is a Martian gully, which has frost on it (the white color - just like frost on Earth). The lines of the gully look like a dried up river, and the seasonal changes help to reveal the features of landscapes as the weather changes the surface of the planet.

  • photo landscape mars carbon dioxide frost yellow brown grey color sand dunes

    Although this looks more like a psychedelic painting than a planet, what you see is actually carbon dioxide frost mixed with dust on sand dunes. The sand is darker colored than the frost. 

  • photo blue white grey martian terrain frozen carbon dioxide melting in summer

    This is another confusing image that looks less like a planet's surface and more like something seen through a microscope. It's actually just an aerial view of Martian terrain. This southern area of polar ice is made from frozen carbon dioxide, which melts in the summer and reveals darker material underneath it in the summer season. 

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  • aerial photo sand dunes on mars earthy brown purple specked with boulders

    What you're looking at here are actually gigantic sand dunes; the small dots and specks are huge boulders. The darker parts of the photo is fine grained sand, which shows up darker through images taken by the HiRise camera

  • photo red brown sand dunes on mars white snow and dark basalt colors

    These interesting shapes are sand dunes in the northern polar area of Mars. The white-ish substance you see on the red sand is ice, and the darker areas are basalt from ancient volcanic activity. These patches of snow will melt in the summer, just like on Earth. 


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