
Relatable Toddler Struggles When Left Alone With Boba Tea, Mom Has To Test Her Multiple Times


Have you ever heard of the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment? Well, time for a little history.


Back in 1972 psychologist Walter Mischel, a professor at Stanford University, decided to do a study on delayed gratification. Essentially he studied children to see how much more willing they were to enjoy a little immediate reward or wait a bit to get an even bigger reward.


The reason it was coined ‘The Marshmallow Experiment’ is because originally the rewards were marshmallows. And so most of the children were not able to wait to win the multiple rewards, especially because the marshmallows were right in front of them, and it took a little too much self-restraint to reject some beautiful fluffy marshmallows.


Come on, we all must relate to this on some level.


The reason I bring this up is because of how much this hilariously adorable video of a little girl trying to resist boba tea reminded me of it straight away. So why not add a little history to this article?


TikTok user, @salialdigs, has found herself in a very precarious situation. She has one adorable daughter who is obsessed with boba.


Boba Video Part 1


Sure, anyone who's had some good old-fashioned boba knows that it's freaking delicious, but it's just not something we thought toddlers might be equally obsessed with, especially given the consistency.


This video quickly blew up, it has over 10 million views. But many of the people in the comment section had a few issues with the ‘experiment.’


Someone wrote: Technically you never told her she can’t drink it. She wins that battle.


So, it was clear, a part 2 needed to be published.


Boba Video Part 2


This time Sali was much more clear with her instructions, but the video that came out of it was just as cute. This adorable video got over 28 million views. It could be due to her daughter's cuteness, the chewing sounds, or just the sweet relationship that is very visible even through the screen.


Whatever the case may be, if Sali ever wants to test out Boba again and go for a part 3, we will definitely be watching and sharing with all of you.


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