Have you ever gotten into an argument with an animal? It's a bit strange, but some species of cats and dogs, such as Siamese cats and husky dogs really love to talk to hoomans, even if the noises that they make back couldn't truly count as conversation. In this case, K'eyush the awwdorable husky dog just wants to chow down on a delicious biscuit, and who can blame him? But unfortunately, his hooman doesn't have a biscuit with her, so K'eyush will have to wait a second.
In any event, we hope you enjoy this heckin' awwdorable doggo, who is radiating some pure canine goodness every time he responds to his hooman with a super expressive bark. Such a good boy, husky-ing his way into a biscuit, one emotional bark at a time. We hope you enjoy this absolutely awwdorable and hilarious video!