
Hilarious "Midwest Phone Shmex" Series on TikTok is Hitting a Little Too Close to Home for Midwesterners


The Midwest is full or snow and people with unique accents. You've heard of that Southern hospitality, but have you ever experienced that far northern Midwest hospitality? Some would even go as far to say it's MORE sweet and kindly than Southerners—if you can believe it. 


TikToker Rachel Auriemma recently started a hilarious comedy series on her profile featuring what she believes goes on with a Midwestern phone “shmex” hotline. She specifies in the second part that she is going for a more far north Midwest vibe, but nonetheless, it's spot on. People from places like North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, or Nebraska truly understand what this lady is putting down and it's a hoot and holler for them. 


Midwest Phone Shmex Hotline pt. 1


The first video shows that Midwesterners really like their rhubarb pies and bargain yard sales—so much so that it's straight up sexy. Oh, you wanna talk about your truck and the awful mileage it gets, but ooooh baby, look at all that produce you can fit in the bed—that's some dirty dirty dirty talk. Oh, you went to a trade school? What did you study? Welding! That's so hot! I hope you get good worker's comp. 


Midwest Phone Shmex Hotline pt. 2


People loved the series so much that Rachel made a part two. Are people loving it because it's sexy or because it's funny what Midwesterners think is sexy? Who knows?! But with part two she starts off strong going straight for the weather talk. Up in those far northern Midwest states, it tends to be very cold, even during the winter months. She starts off telling the caller what she's wearing, which is a cardigan because it's cold in June and she will have no problem turning on the heat if she has to. 


One viewer commented, “you had me at sales!” Another said, “That’s my Fantasy too, dontcha know.” One person even said, “This is how I feel when my husband asks me to talk dirty lol. I’m too northern for that hun…” Northern Midwesterners are truly flooding the comment section and even talking about where they talk their platoon boats out for a ride. Some seriously shmexy stuff in here guys, be careful! She even says the word… “FUDGE!”


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