
A Guide to Saving Money on Your Dog

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    photo many labrador puppies inside cage in dog shelter

    Before you buy a purebred dog that costs thousands of dollars, take a moment to consider why you're getting a dog. Is it for companionship and unconditional love? If the answer is yes, you should consider adoption. There are so many reasons why adopting a dog is a better option than buying a dog

    First of all, you'll save a life! Millions of dogs get put into adoption shelter each year through no fault of their own, and if they don't get adopted within a certain amount of time, they are put down. Adopting a dog will also help the rescue shelter provide more care to the other animals, and it is an active step towards stopping the cruelty of mass breeding facilities

    Secondly, adopting a dog is so much cheaper than buying a dog. Dogs in adoption shelters are vaccinated and treated for injuries upon arrival, so that cost is taken care of. Unless they're young puppies, the dogs you find in adoption shelters are usually somewhat house-trained, so you don't have to go through teaching them the basics like toilet training. 

    If you're really set on a certain type of dog, search multiple adoption shelters and you might find what you're looking for! Adoption shelters usually have hundreds of dogs of different breeds (including purebreds!), colors, ages, sizes and temperaments. Finally, imagine the joy your new dog will feel when they are chosen to go to their new forever home. You'll be changing that dog's life forever, and maybe you'll encourage your friends and family to do the same. 

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    Small dogs cost less than large dogs

    photo cavalier king charles dog brown color sitting on pavement in garden

    Owning a dog is a big responsibility and it can be very expensive. Before you adopt or buy a dog, it's important to consider your lifestyle and how the dog will fit into it. Do you live in a small apartment or a large house with a backyard? Do you have lots of money or just scrape through at the end of each month? 

    While asking yourself these questions, remember the general rule is that small dogs cost less to take care of than large dogs. They require smaller amounts of food, medication and supplies than large dogs, making it cheaper to look after them. They're also easier to control than large dogs, so if you have to go away for the weekend and want to leave your dog with a friend, your friend will have a much easier time looking after a Toy Poodle than a Rottweiler - meaning you can save the cost of putting your dog into boarding kennels. They're also easier to travel with, especially on public transport (just pop your dog into a cute dog backpack!) 

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    Buy a good quality bed

    photo speckled brown and white dog lying on big barker orthopedic bed brown colored inside livingroom dog looks happy

    While you might think it's unnecessary for your dog to sleep on a bed, many studies have shown that sleeping on a bed can actually heal and reverse ailments your dog might have (many of which, like hip dysplasia, are exacerbated by sleeping on the hard ground). The best way to save money while looking after your dog's health is to buy your dog a good quality bed specific to their needs that will last (for example, if your dog chews, get them a chew-proof bed). This will save you from spending money on many beds over the years when all you needed was one bed that would last. If you're unsure where to start, check out this list of the best dog beds of 2020.  

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    Make your own dog toys

    photo small white fluffy dog sitting on grey couch with homemade diy dog toys

    One of the best ways to save money when it comes to your dog is to stop buying those expensive dog toys and make your own! Honestly, it won't make any difference to your dog whether their toy is expensive or homemade (you won't believe how many hours my dog spends chasing around an empty water bottle - much more time than he spends with his Kong!). 

    The internet is full of awesome ideas for DIY dog toys, and since you know your dog best, you'll be able to make the right toy for them (i.e. if your dog loves destroying things and pulling them apart, make them something chew-proof). You don't have to go out and buy materials either - chances are you'll have an old towel, t-shirt, plastic bottle or rope that can be turned into something your dog will love. Google, Pinterest or YouTube ideas and tutorials - you'll be flooded with ideas. 

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    Groom your dog at home

    photo small white wet dog standing against ledge of bathtub wearing pink shower cap funny cute

    All dogs need to be properly groomed, but that doesn't mean you need to spend hundreds at a dog salon every few months. You can do just as good a job at home, for a fraction of the price. 

    First, you should buy the materials you'll need to keep your dog clean and happy. Invest in a good brush - this will be your main tool for attacking the dirt your dog's fur will accumulate. Brushing your dog's fur a few times a week will mean that you have to bathe your dog less. Brushing, not bathing, is actually the key to keeping your dog clean. Get your dog used to being brushed a few times a week, standing up not sitting down (it will make your job a lot easier). 

    When it comes to bathing your dog, there's no steadfast rule that applies to every dog. The general rule of thumb is to bathe your dog every few months, but that depends on how dirty your dog gets. The best option is to ask your vet how often your dog should be washed (which also depends on their breed). It's important to get your dog a high-quality dog shampoo, because low quality shampoos can contain harsh ingredients that irritate your dog's skin. This is also the reason you should never use human shampoo on your dog. 

    If your dog has fur that requires trimming, get yourself some good quality dog clippers. Always trim your dog's fur when it is clean and dry, and use extra precaution not to nick your dog's skin. If you're unsure about doing this yourself, go to a professional. You can save costs by washing your dog first, and you don't want to compromise your dog's safety (or give them a few bald patches that weren't asked for). 

    Dogs' nails should be trimmed regularly, and to do this you'll need dog nail clippers or a nail grinder. Again, if you don't feel comfortable doing this yourself, it's best to take your dog to a professional. However, once you get the hang of it, trimming your dog's nails is an easy task and your dog will probably feel more comfortable if you do it at home, rather than somewhere else with a stranger. 

    It's always cheaper to buy dog grooming supplies online rather than at your local pet shop or vet, plus you're able to read the reviews of real customers online. Amazon should have everything you're looking for.  

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    Buy dog food in bulk

    photo white labrador dog eating dog food out of stainless steel dog bowl

    Everything is cheaper when buying in bulk, especially dog food! But before you buy two years' worth of dog food to save money, remember that this food is a perishable item, and you'll be losing a lot more if you accidentally let a bag go to waste. 

    The best thing to do is take note of how quickly your dog goes through a bag of food. Then, you'll be able to calculate how long you can keep the unopened bags of food for, and therefore how many bags you should buy in one order. Make sure you have somewhere dry and out of sunlight to store the unopened bags of dog food, because moisture and heat will spoil it. Unless you have somewhere suitable to store extra bags of food, don't buy your dog's food in bulk as it will spoil. 

    Otherwise, if you have the space to store a few big bags of dog food, buying in bulk is the best way to go. You can check with your local pet shop whether they sell at bulk prices, and you can also find a lot of options online. Make sure they offer delivery, as bags of dog food definitely aren't easy to move around.  

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    Keep up to date with vet visits and vaccines

    photo small white fluffy dog sitting on table in vet getting heartbeat checked by vet wearing blue gloves

    One of the best ways to make sure your dog won't get sick or injured it to be well-informed about the particulars of your dogs breed, and to keep up to date with all the vet appointments, vaccines, medications and operations your dog might need. Be aware of which diseases your dog's breed is prone to, and watch out for symptoms for them. By taking your dog to the vet as regularly as needed (but not more than necessary), you are ensuring that your dog will remain healthy and your wallet will remain full. 

    Although it might seem expensive to visit the vet once or twice a year, it will be a lot less expensive that paying for an operation that is the result of years of neglecting to get your dog checked. That said, don't take your dog to the vet for every little thing you notice. If a dog has a healthy immune system, their body should heal a cold or a small injury. 

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    Exercise your dog every day

    photo black and white french bulldog suspended in air running fast over grass at park

    Dogs of all sizes and breeds need to to be walked at least twice a day (unless your dogs live in a large garden). This is so they can go to the toilet and exercise. It is extremely important for your dog to get 30 to 60 minutes of exercise each day (although this depends on the age and breed of your dog), both for their physical and mental health. 

    Just like humans, it is crucial for dogs to exercise and remain fit in order to be healthy. If dogs don't exercise, they are more vulnerable to obesity and the many health complications that come with it (and therefore more vet bills). Taking your dog to the park will also help your dog burn their energy, which means they'll be less frustrated inside your house and won't take it out on the couch. 

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    Train your dog yourself

    photo brown dog sitting on ground being trained by owner who is using hand signals

    If you're adopting or buying a puppy, it's likely that your dog won't be trained. But that doesn't mean that you have to spend hundreds of dollars taking your dog to a trainer or puppy school; there are endless resources to help you train your dog yourself. The younger your dog is, the more advantage you have because they won't have to unlearn certain behaviors. From books to YouTube tutorials to free online courses, there are endless resources online that will teach you how to train your dog. 

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    Get your dog neutered or spayed

    photo small orange and white dog with collar around neck after being neutered or spayed

    Unless you're planning to breed your dog and have the time and resources (and money!) to do so, it's wise to get your dog neutered or spayed. Aside from preventing unwanted litters of cute yet expensive puppies, neutering your male dog has a number of benefits including much lowered aggression, stopping sexual behavior like mounting female dogs and humping pillows, a reduction in territorial marking with urine, plus the elimination of a possibility of cancer. Spaying your female dog will lengthen her life span, prevent breast tumors, and stop her from going into heat (which isn't a fun time for humans). 

    Paying for your dog to be spayed or neutered will be so much cheaper than paying for the food, medical procedures and life costs that come with having more than one dog (not to mention a litter of eight puppies!). 

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    Brush your dog's teeth regularly

    photo brown dog holding blue toothbrush in mouth against white background

    Just like you brush your own teeth to keep your mouth healthy and avoid expensive trips to the dentist, your dog's teeth need brushing too. Although it may be difficult, brushing your dog's teeth a few times a week (every day is best but let's be realistic) will have the following benefits: preventing your dog from bad breath, removing tartar and plaque buildup, preventing peridontal disease (also called gum disease), and reducing damage to your dog's internal organs.

    Checking your dog's teeth for any unusual swelling or teeth that don't look right can save your wallet and your dog from a lot of pain. Dogs don't have a way of letting you know that they're in pain, and they can suffer from dental diseases or abscessed teeth and continue to eat and act as normal. Getting treatment as soon as possible will be much better for you and your dog than if you leave it until the problem is severe. 

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    Skip the fashion accessories

    photo white french bulldog wearing fashionable colorful jacket with anklewarmers on feet against orange background

    We know that having a dog is like having a child you can dress up in cute outfits, but if you want to save money this is the first thing you need to cut out. Your dog doesn't need a designer collar or a fancy jacket. Honestly, they probably don't like being put in clothes or accessories. A collar and leash are necessary - the rest isn't (unless your dog needs a raincoat for winter or you have a greyhound that needs extra warmth in winter). Use your judgement for what is absolutely necessary, but if you're trying to save money, you can skip the expensive dog fashion accessories


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