Teacher Shares the Realities of Getting Roasted Daily by His Gen Z Students, Gets Bullied for Not Drinking a Beverage With His Lunch


It's crazy to think that many of us have now reached the age where our colleagues are old enough to be teachers.


When we were in elementary school they seemed like such ancient creatures, but now we just realize that they were just in their thirties. That's definitely a hard pill to swallow.


It must be crazy being a teacher in this day and age. Especially when your students are gen z.


Sure, there are a lot of good things about gen z. They are very quick and progressive. They tend to be a little more accepting and woke than previous generations, but they are also firm believers in cancel culture.


We can't even begin to believe the fear that teachers must have in high schools today regarding if and when they will be canceled by their students.


TikTok user @samuelsleeves shares content about what it's like being a teacher nowadays with his loyal platform. It's clear that it is not easy dealing with Ipad babies.


The Beverage Incident


As you can see, it's not easy chilling with gen z. How in the world are we meant to keep up with this kind of humor and humiliation?

Teaching Gen Z Part 2


Teaching Gen Z Part 3


Teaching Gen Z Part 4


Teaching Gen Z Part 5


Teaching Gen Z Part 6


Teaching Gen Z Part 7


Teaching Gen Z Part 8


Many people feel for Samuel, but mostly we feel thoroughly entertained by his dry delivery of these incidences. Although his students roast him nearly every day he seems to be doing just fine. The teacher has over 282k on the platform. No Bev Salem will be just ok.


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