Strange Hippy Ladies Are Total Weirdos to the Server, Server Comes Home to Find Them Sitting On Her Couch: It Was Her Friends Pranking Her


It you can't prank your friend, are you guys even really friends? Pranking friends goes back before the invention of the word friend. I'm sure there were cavemen grunting and pranking each other. It's a natural human action. As long as you're not hurting anyone physically OR emotionally, then it's wholesome and healthy. 


TikToker Ky aka @smiileykylee recently documented the prank her and her other bestie did on their third bestie. They all live together so they had to be extra sneaky about it. The two went out while the third went to work as a server at a restaurant. As she was getting to work, the two friends went a purchased wigs, sunglasses, and hippy outfits that they themselves would not usually wear. They then went to the restaurant that their friend works at and requested to be sat in her section. As their friend waited on them and didn't suspect a thing, they made sure to act extra strange towards her. They never took off their sunglasses or masks to ensure the friend would never realize it was them. 


They made sure to stay in character the entire time and never let on who they actually were. They paid the check and left, still acting as the strange hippy women they came as. 




When the server came home she stopped shocked to see who was on her couch: It was the two strange hippy ladies who were so weird to her at work! When it all clicked in her head, she literally fell to her knees in laughter. “THAT WAS YOU GUYS?!!?” She could hardly form sentences she was laughing so hard. All three besties started dying laughing and recounting the incident. The prank was already a hilarious success, but then seeing the server pausing in shock and her face look so confused was a bonus added on to the hysterical plot. 


The girls told her they let the waitstaff in on the prank so that they could play along. But it would appear the staff misheard them, because the server assured them that nobody knew. She said that all the restaurant was “judging” them so hard and talking sh*t on how strange they were. So I guess the prank went both ways, kind of. 




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