This is the original video that was posted on TikTok
"It's like getting a birthday card with no money in it"
"You know when you're a kid and tell Santa what you want for xmas, then Dec 25 rolls around and it's not under the tree? That."
"Have you ever spent 2 minutes waiting for your food to heat up in the microwave only for the middle to still be frozen? It's like that."
"It's like the year 2020."
"Did you ever get stuck at the top of the roller coaster and then forced to get off? Like that."
"Imagine if your DoorDash delivery driver eats your food in front of you."
"You ever try to find the light switch but you're at someone else's house in the dark? That's how men act."
"You ever had someone do something for you but they failed so miserably so you said thank you and did it yourself. Like that."
"It's like hoping you win the lottery, not winning and then having to reassure the one who did win the lottery."
"Ever go to the store and get really good ice cream, get home get hyped that you're going to have it after dinner, then your house catches on fire..."
"Ever been to the Golden Gate Bridge for the first time and you realize it's not even gold. Utter disappointment."
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