
Abuela Is Always Right: Mexican Mothers Test Out the Age Old Myth of Getting Your Baby to Walk by Giving Them Limes to Hold


Part of being a parent is being excited to help your baby do everything for the first time. I mean, these are fresh tiny humans who haven't done anything but poop and sleep so far. So something like walking is a bid deal. TikTok has a bustling community of veteran and new parents helping each other out with advice, relatability, encouragement, etc. Recently, a tread that has been going around is from a popular Mexican myth that has been passed around by countless abuelitas. Basically, it says that for Mexicans, if you want to get your baby to take their first steps, simply give them a lime to hold in each hand. 


TikTokers who are familiar with the myth—whether they heard it from their own abuela or a distant Mexican relative and/or friend—are testing out this theory and the results are coming back pretty positive. Though there are few babies that would rather throw or eat the limes, most of these babies are holding onto these limes and then taking their first steps all because of a TikTok trend/Mexican myth. 


“Clearly it's not a myth…"



Some TikTokers say it only works with Mexican babies and others say that it's only if the limes are from Mexico, but either way—abuela was right, these babies are starting to cruise right across the floor on their two little adorable chubby legs. 


“Tiny Steps”

Fourth Time's a Charm

Myth or Fact?!


As some babies grab a hold of those limes and then book it, others take their time and do literal baby steps at a time. What is it about the limes that instinctually get these babies to move their legs? Some babies, however, are the outlier and show that it doesn't always work.



"Worked until he tried to eat it…"

Walking to the Rhythm


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