
Wives Epically Prank Their Husbands by Buying Them All the Same Shirt and Inviting Them to the Same Restaurant


We would confidently argue that there is an art to pranking. A prank shouldn't be too harsh, or else everybody gets sad. It also shouldn't be too complicated, because it can be easily missed, and then all of the efforts are lost. A good prank also requires good calculated thinking, there needs to be a bit of deception involved, and so it's important to keep your cool until the prank is revealed. And, a side note, if you're going for a group prank, it's important to clarify when the prank is over amongst all parties involved, or else it can get awkward. If everyone ignores someone on their birthday just to give them a major surprise party, they better not continue ignoring the birthday boy/girl at the party. Yeah, that would be awkward.


Shock is definitely an important component to have when trying to complete a prank, but at the end of the day, we believe everyone should leave the situation laughing. No one should feel entirely humiliated, right? Some of the pranks we see on the internet these days just go way too far. So without further ado, we shall introduce you to someone we believe orchestrated a very good prank.


Meet Esra

Esra, or @essss61 on the platform, seems to be a fairly new content creator, her videos only go back a month but one of her videos has already gone entirely viral. And, you guessed it, it was a prank video. A group prank video, if you will. She and her friends all purchased the same polo for their husbands and recorded their very adorable reactions. Yes, we find this group of adult guy friends to be entirely adorable.


 Let's Watch


Do you agree? Did you find this to be a top-tier prank as well? No one was harmed in the making, and everyone was clearly surprised. The video already has over 14 million views as well.


Let's take a look at some of the best comments we saw:


The way they kept laughing when another one came in😂😂

I like how u’ve chosen the prisoner print ones

This will never not be funny



There was some pretty high demand for Esra to repost the video with its original audio, and like the true queen she is, she delivered.


The Video With Its Real Audio


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