1. Most basic paper airplane
Let's begin with the very basics. This is the kind of paper airplane that most people know how to make. It takes about two minutes to make, and it can fly relatively well (although not as well as the paper airplanes below). The basic paper airplane is great for people who are generally terrible at origami, or kids. You can't really mess this one up unless you're this guy. This is a great place to start for paper airplane makers of all levels, so have a look at the tutorial for this paper airplane.
2. Quick to make long distance paper airplane
OK, now that you've tested the waters with the basic paper airplane above, it's time to take your paper-airplane-making skills to the next level. But don't worry, we're not throwing you in the deep end. This paper airplane is almost as simple to make as the first one. It's made in only 10 steps, and it's able to fly much farther than the basic paper airplane. Get some more paper out and check out how to make this easy paper airplane.
3. Easiest glider paper airplane
Now that you've made the first two paper airplanes, let's explore some different styles. This paper airplane is the most basic style of glider that you can make. Gliders - you guessed it - glide! This specific paper airplane also does loop-de-loops, so throw it from a balcony to achieve maximum looping. But don't worry, it's still super easy to make. Anyone who made the first two paper airplanes will have no trouble following the instructions for this paper airplane. See it's tutorial here and start folding that paper!
4. Medium difficulty glider paper airplane
Since you've mastered the easier paper airplanes, let's move onto something more challenging. This is another type of glider - you can see the differences in design from the one above. With a flat front and folded up sides, this paper airplane glider is better at flying long distances in a smooth, straight line. Ready to give it a try? Make this glider with the tutorial here.
5. Cut out wing glider paper airplane
This glider paper airplane challenges you to do something you haven't done before: cut out a section. This creates a whole new shape that wouldn't be possible without cutting the paper, but be careful! If you cut the wrong area your paper airplane won't fly. If you're confident that you can make this glider, head over to the tutorial now.
6. Long distance jet paper airplane
We've moved through the most basic airplane shape and the glider. Now we move onto something more difficult: the jet. Because of its pointed shape that tapers off to the front, this airplane is the opposite of a glider: it shoots through the air quickly and can travel long distance, while gliders tend to float. This first jet paper airplane is quite easy to make, so follow the instructions here and have a go.
7. Moderately difficult jet paper airplane
This jet paper airplane is a step up in difficulty from the one above. If you successfully made the first jet, well done. Now, things start to get tricky. But don't worry, if you had no trouble making the paper airplanes above, you should master this one in no time. This particular jet paper airplane can fly super far if made correctly, so be sure to watch the tutorial carefully. Good luck!
8. Streamlined jet paper airplane
Last but definitely not least, we have the most difficult paper airplane in this article. The streamlined jet paper airplane. For this one, you're going to need a ruler and a pen to make exact folds. This paper airplane is everything you want in a jet styled paper airplane: it's fast, it flies long distances, and it flies super smoothly. Don't believe me? Make one for yourself and see. Check out the tutorial here. If you make this paper airplane successfully, well done! I grant you the title of paper airplane master.
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