Petty Friend Wants To Plagiarize, Gets Shut Down

  • 1
    Text - iMessage Today 2:07 PM I want to read your poetry book We talked about this like 4 years ago? And are you talking about the one that I wrote and am selling for $12? Yes No offense, but I have it on for the purpose of being able to make money from it. I only really let me family members read it, sorry :(
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  • 2
    Text - See, I am trying to write my own and was hoping that I could use part of that one poem you shared in class a while ago, I just need a starter Like no offense to you lol but I just think the last part was good and feel like I could use that Okay are you telling me you want to copy/plagiarize me lol? It's not plagiarism lol
  • 3
    Text - You just told me you want to literally copy what I've written That is plagiarism or whatever you want to call it, you are taking my work and trying to make it your own for whatever reason. We haven't even talked in like 4 years since highschool and this is so weird
  • 4
    Text - People are constantly taking ideas from other people to make better ideas. I think you need to get used to how the world works and just get used to the idea that some people do a better job than the original work - in this case your work If you don't want to Help me fine but my mom knows you're mom LMAO 1)our mother has had one conversation with my mom and that was when we were on a field trip. 2) I am 21 years old and so are you, you need to grow up and not act like we are still 17, pull
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  • 5
    Text - access to my poetry book AND if she did, why would she give it to you? Your* petty ass fig looking dirt bag of a woman you are disgusting and vile and don't know how to help women you'll never have a husband to cook for you with writing poetry You gonna be eating boxed craft for the rest of your life being such a loser
  • 6
    Text - thank God we drifted apart I knew you'd always be the type who ate pineapple and shit on pizza or just is petty straight fig ass don't know how to be a cool girl and hook a girl up loser ass
  • 7
    Text - You're one disturbed individual. You text me after 4 damn years and try to literally plagiarize something I spent months working on, then start insulting me. Idk what the hell a fig ass is but you can take a fig and shove it straight up your ass because my poetry is my poetry and you can't NOT have it. Get creative. I'm blocking you because you are rude and insulted me. Delivered


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