Legend has it you can still hear her flip-flops flopping
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The older we get, the more we come to realize that some people simply wake up every day and choose to be obnoxious. Maybe it is out of boredom, guilt, despair, or loneliness, who cares? The end product is always the same. Whatever they are lacking in their lives somehow gets filled by being incredibly petty towards the people around them. Is it annoying when it happens to you? Of course, but at least you can make a positive out of the experience and share your experience on the internet so the world can laugh at how ridiculously you've been treated.
So yes, our advice for anyone currently being forced to deal with a Karen? Laugh until you're not annoyed anymore. And be sure to share your experience with your friends because, hey, we've all been there, and it's always funny in retrospect.
This lucky lady was able to capture her Karen experience on video, and thank god she did because we know we wouldn't have believed this title if there wasn't some serious video evidence.
So there's a lot to unpack here. We would feel it is safe to say that there are a lot of people doing some irregular things in this little video. Why exactly is this woman eating on a floaty in her yard? It's definitely not illegal, but it's definitely a bit thought-provoking. And then there's Karen's experience of course. We would die to know how her conversation went with the cops. What did she claim? Why was she so angry?
dang! even her flip flops sounded angry
“Officer there’s these girls eating food on floaties! Arrest them 😂“
I had a lady call the cops on me for tanning On my porch in a bathing suit because her husband and kids could see me 💀 convinced it’s jealousy
File a noise complaint on her flip flops lol
“There’s a girl outside having fun just chillin” hurry send the police asap
But why??? When did eating outside become a crime?
People desperately wanted a full storytime, or at least an update, and the content creator @smittttybackup delivered just that.
Dang. In some way, we feel for Karen. It must be difficult being so easily angered. Best of luck to her.
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