Employee Is Late Due to a Wreck, Karen Customer Decides to Take Punishment Into Her Own Hands and Tricks Them Into Bringing Out Every Shoe in the Store


Karens really gonna Karen… TikToker Paloma aka @palomaxmendoza recently shared a work horror story on her page that went viral. At the time she was working at a shoe store when the utmost Karen of Karen customers walked in. Paloma happened to have arrived late to the story that day, but only because there was a huge wreck at the entrance of the mall parking lot that made everyone going into the mall late. It was such a huge wreck that “everyone” in the mall was talking about it. 


However, all this evil Karen heard was that an employee was late to work. Did she give two sh*ts why? No, of course not. Karens do no give a f*ck about anyone but themselves and their precious ego. 




The Karen was at the store and requested to see every shoe in the store in her size. Now, the store has a policy where they can only bring out a certain amount of shoes at a time, for theft prevention purposes. However, it was only Paloma and her manager working at the time, so even though they were just bringing out a certain amount of shoes for her to try on at a time, there were other people on the store and they simply didn't have time to put them back each time they brought them out. So the employee “go back” shelf was just a pile of shoes. Once EVERY shoe in the store had been taken out, the Karen employee looked Paloma in the eyes and gave a maniacal laugh. 



The Karen told her that she didn't want any of the shoes and that, in fact, she never intended on purchasing any of the shoes, she was simply punishing her for being late to work. The Karen customer was punishing an employee that was most definitely not working for her because…??? Because Karens can't help themselves when they have an opportunity that they think is going to boost their horrible ego. 


When Paloma relayed what just happened to the manager, the manager RAN out of the store to catch up with the Karen to give her a piece of her mind.


Store Policy Explanation

Update pt. 1


Apparently, the manager was able to catch up to the Karen employee and fighting words started flowing. The TikToker says she is not the confrontational type, but her manager sure was and when she ran out to catch up with the Karen, she told her that she'll “call her from jail.”


Luckily, one of the mall security guards happened to be walking by at that moment and asked what was going on. Paloma said it's something not good, and he went running after them. The manager was about to lunge at the Karen customer, but the security guard had gotten there in time to hold her back. The Karen was yelling about how she was in the right and that the manager needed to learn how to do her job, and the manager was foaming at the mouth ready to swing. 


Fortunately, a physical fight was avoided (barely) and the evil Karen customer was eventually banned from the entire mall. 


Update pt. 2


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