Meeting anyone from a dating app is always a risk. You can try to talk to them as much as possible beforehand, cover all of the bases, and even sneak in a cheeky facetime. But we never really know how it's all going to pan out, do we? How do we all get the motivation to give it a shot though? Well, because deep down we know you miss every shot you don't take. Does that sound impeccably cheesy? Yes, yes it does. But it's not wrong either.
If you're anything like us, your dating drive goes through multiple phases. Some days you barely even think about finding a significant other, and other days you feel like the world has cursed you by only presenting you with happy couples whenever you go out alone. Suddenly the thought of holding someone's sweaty hand on a walk doesn't sound so gross. Funny how that happens. Does it relate to our ovulation schedules? Probably, it seems like every bizarre emotion we have is somehow explained by our darned hormones. Isn't it just wonderful being a woman?
Well, today we can share with you one woman who took a leap of faith and decided to go on a first Tinder date. It went on for a whole 10 hours and she documented the entire thing. From getting ready to desperately wanting to get home. Shall we get into it?
Tinder Date Part 1
As you could probably gather, our girl @shanelowhateva was pretty nervous. And rightfully so! Like we just said, going on dates with strangers is not for the faint of heart. We can never really know how things are about to go! She continued to take us along with her as she began leaving for her date and the documentation didn't stop there. People were pretty supportive of her going on a date at this point.
Tinder Date Part 2
This is when the comments began to show a little bit more concern about Shanel's date. Was she acting a little too nervous? Nerves are good, but sometimes we confused them with gut feelings. We've all been there. Maybe he gives me butterflies? Or maybe that's my stomach telling me to get the hell out of there.
Tinder Date Part 3
Clearly, this date was not a great ad for Tinder. But how could Shanel have really known before? She handled herself very well, but dates shouldn't be ended in therapy sessions about Doritos. Luckily it's up to her whether there will be a second date, and we have a feeling there won't be.
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