Who needs to watch soap operas on TV when there's TikTok?
You know of soap opera shows like Days of Our Lives or The Bold and the Beautiful and their epically dramatic stories—the romantic sagas are all over the place! Well, those stories didn't come out of thin air, they were inspired from somewhere and that's real life, baby. Don't think life could possibly be that dramatic, well TikToker @kalamariondash recently shared a situation they just endured and it's definitely soap opera worthy.
This woman had been engaged for almost a full year and was getting ready for the wedding in September. However, the past few months just didn't feel the same. Her and her fiancé kept getting in fights and to put it simply, he was being super mean. She was finally pushed to the edge and decided to snoop on his phone, mostly in hopes to find a way out of this marriage. And boy did she!
She that her fiancé had been texting often with a contact called “Chris the Crane Operator.” That's already a weird person to have stored in your phone, let alone text often, so she checked it out. What she found was her fiancé cheating on her with a mother of four. She couldn't believe her eyes. She never blamed the woman, though her heart was broken. But she did through the phone at her soon to be ex-fiancé and told him to tell “Chris the Crane Operator” that the wedding was off.
At first he tried to deny it, but this woman was not taking his BS anymore. She ended up reaching out to the other woman on IG who told her everything. So the more her fiancé denied and lied to her, the deeper he was digging his own grave. They were living together at the time, so she would have to take a few weeks to pack up all her things and move out, but she was definitely over this situation.
She sounds strong and tough in her videos retelling the story on TikTok, but she says she was struggling. But also that she “doesn't have time to be sad.” She struggled with her friends during the breakup, since they shared a friend group. Half said good riddance, while another half said to give him another chance. But she was in no way going to do that. She was moving on, and rightfully so.
She takes her viewers through her healing processes showing the raw moments of her going through some of her grieving processes like anger, depression, and thankfully, eventually acceptance. Things kept escalating and the ex-fiancé's horrible behavior starts to brightly shine. Viewers are keeping up-do-date with her saga like it's their favorite TV show. Everyone is happy she dodge this bullet right in the nick of time!
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