Being a parent comes with a lot of knowledge. It's not a job for everyone. It's not even really a job since you don't make any kind of profit. However, from what I've gathered once you're a parent you begin to see things differently, suddenly you are bombarded with so much new information and a completely different lifestyle. It also looks extremely difficult but it must be worth it since so many people keep doing it, literally every day.
Reddit user u/Dosed123 asked fellow parents to share the funniest things people without children, or as he calls them, "childfree people," have told them about what they think parenting really consists of. I guess it's a common thing that people without kids love to give advice to people with kids. I'm intrigued.
Your three-week-old can't stand up on her own? Pffft I was standing by 72 hours. But seriously, how do these people think someone who just learned how to open their eyes has the motor skills to stand up. If I was the mom I don't think I would have her patience.
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